Gulf Today

Morocco complains to UN of W.sahara truce violations


UNITED NATIONS: Morocco has ACCUSED Polisario Front ighters In WESTERN SAHARA OF VIOLATING AC EASE IRE agreement, just weeks before an expected new round of talks on ending THE DECADES-OLD Conlict.

In a letter seen by media on Friday, Morocco’s UN Ambassador Omar Hilale cited three incidents from Jan.6 to Jan.8 in which the Polisario Front staged drills, drove military vehicles in a buffer zone and opened up a new facility.

Morocco “strongly condemns these destabiliz­ing actions” that violate a military agreement and “dangerousl­y threaten THE CEASEIRE,” wrote HILALE in the letter sent to the UN Security Council on Thursday.

He described the movements as “provocatio­ns” that could jeopardize Unbrokered talks on ending the Western SAHARA Conlict, AND URGED THE Security Council and Secretary-general Antonio Guterres to condemn the Polisario.

Last month, morocco sat down with the Polisario Front, Algeria and Mauritania For THE irst talks In six years AIMED At settling THE Conlict over Western SAHARA, which Rabat claims is an integral part of the kingdom.

The Algeria-backed Polisario fought a war with Morocco from 1975 to 1991, when A CEASEIRE DEAL was AGREED AND a UN peace mission deployed to monitor the truce.

The Polisario Front is demanding a referendum on independen­ce for the territory, WHICH Morocco HAS latly REJECTED.

THE Conlict HAS REMAINED Frozen For decades, but Morocco and the Polisario agreed during last month’s talks brokered by UN envoy and former German president Horst Koehler in Geneva to meet again in early 2019.

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