Gulf Today


Whenever Mueller does finish his work, it will kick off a new phase in the legal and political fights over the Russia investigat­ion


Only a few blocks from the National Mall, amid a cluster of nondescrip­t buildings, more than a dozen prosecutor­s working for special counsel Robert S. Mueller III have followed an unusual routine as they toil away on the Russia investigat­ion.

WHEN they LEAVE THE OFICE At NIGHT, they often wonder if it could be their last day on the job, according to an attorney familiar with their work. Fearful that President Donald Trump will try to shut downthespr­awlingcrim­inalinvest­igation, they’ve been compiling and writing their conclusion­s as they go, the attorney said.

Even IF Trump Doesn’t try to ire Mueller and disband his team — something he’s threatened several times — the president’s lawyers have indicated they’ll try to keep the public from learning whatever THE SPECIAL Counsel’s OFICE HAS discovered. They’ve repeatedly said some informatio­n may be covered by executive privilege, the legal claim that safeguards THE Conidentia­lity of A president’s private conversati­ons.

IF Mueller tries to INCLUDE In A inal report details gleaned from White House documents or interviews with administra­tion oficials, “we speciicall­y reserved our right to object,” said Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former New York City mayor who represents Trump.

The president pointedly refused on Thursday to say whether any report from Mueller should be made public, telling reporters, “We’ll HAVE to SEE.”


It’s unclear exactly when Mueller’s investigat­ion will end, and the special counsel still has not secured the presidenti­al interview he’s been seeking for more than a year. Trump submitted some written answers shortly before Thanksgivi­ng; Giuliani said prosecutor­s’ subsequent request to ask more questions in writing and in person was refused before Christmas.

Since then, he said, there has been no communicat­ion with the special counsel’s OFICE. “THERE’S nothing much to talk to them about,” Giuliani said.

Recently, however, there have been indication­s the end game could be drawing near. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, for example, has told associates he expects to step down shortly after THE SENATE Conirms WILLIAM P. Barr As the new attorney general. That could Come within weeks; Barr’s Conirmatio­n hearings are scheduled to begin Tuesday. Rosenstein has been supervisin­g Mueller’s work and does not want to leave his post until the special counsel is wrapping up.

WHENEVER Mueller Does inish HIS work, it will kick off a new phase in the LEGAL AND political ights over THE Russia investigat­ion. The president’s legal team is preparing its own report rebutting whatever Mueller concludes; Trump tweeted last month that they’d already INISHED 87 PAGES. GIULIANI SAID How much was released depended on what the special counsel concluded.

“IF they Exonerate HIM,” HE SAID, “we’ll just say congratula­tions.”


Meanwhile, emboldened Democrats who took control of the House of Representa­tives in the last election are laying the groundwork for their own investigat­ions and potentiall­y explosive public hearings.

Michael Cohen, Trump’s longtime lawyer AND ixer, Is SCHEDULED to testify before the House Oversight Committee on FEB. 7, A month BEFORE HE BEGINS A three-year prison sentence for a variety of crimes that include lying to Congress about a Moscow real estate deal that Trump sought while running for president.

Cohen also has pleaded guilty to CAMPAIGN inance violations Involving hush money payments to women who said they had affairs with Trump, payments prosecutor­s said were directed By Trump HIMSELF. THE irst Battle Could be over how much becomes public from Mueller’s investigat­ion, which focuses on ties between Trump’s campaign and Russia and whether the president obstructed justice.

The last time a special prosecutor’s report was so hotly anticipate­d, independen­t counsel Kenneth W. Starr provided a lengthy and salacious recounting of PRESIDENT Bill Clinton’s AFFAIR with WHITE House intern Monica Lewinsky.

Starr, however, was operating under a different set of rules that no longer exist, and he was required to submit his conclusion­s directly to Congress. Under the rules governing Mueller’s investigat­ion, the special counsel only needs to provide the attorney general with A Conidentia­l report Explaining his decisions at the conclusion of the investigat­ion. The attorney general by then will likely BE Barr, A longtime FRIEND of Mueller’s, but also a Trump nominee who has expressed skepticism about some aspects of the investigat­ion.

THAT Doesn’t mean Mueller’s indings won’t be released in some form. Prosecutor­s could explain more of their case in additional indictment­s — 33 people have already faced charges or pleaded guilty, AND Court ilings HAVE often INCLUDED extensive details. They could also ask the grand jury to issue its own report.

In addition, the attorney general is required to notify Congress if he overrules any decisions by the special counsel, such as a request to issue particular subpoenas and indictment­s. And the Attorney GENERAL CAN “DETERMINE that public release of these reports would be in the public interest.”

Democratic congressio­nal leaders have already made clear they will demand that the report be turned over to them. “Bottom line: THE PRESIDENT CAN try to hide the Mueller Report. He will lose to the public’s right to know,” tweeted Neal Katyal, who served as solicitor general under PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA AND wrote the current special counsel regulation­s.


If a report is destined to become public, THERE will Also BE ights over what is included. Intelligen­ce agencies may want to redact sensitive informatio­n involving communicat­ions intercepts or overseas sources.

Trump’s lawyers are prepared to argue that executive privilege will require additional redactions. The potential clash is rooted in the early days of the special counsel investigat­ion, when the White House voluntaril­y agreed to turn over thousands of pages of documents and make oficials AVAILABLE For voluntary interviews.

By DOING that, Mueller RECEIVED faster access to the facts he was seeking, while the president’s lawyers said they maintained their right to claim executive privilege down the road. They argue that, since Mueller is technicall­y part of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH, they CAN still ight the release of informatio­n to Congress or the public.

A claim of executive privilege could have the biggest impact on the public’s ability to learn about Mueller’s investigat­ion into possible obstructio­n, since many events under scrutiny happened after Trump took OFICE. Blocking THE RELEASE of a report, however, could cause a political uproar that would be counterpro­ductive for Trump.

“It’s very COMPLICATE­D For THE president to ight THE RELEASE of THE report,” SAID Anne Milgram, a former federal prosecutor and New Jersey attorney general who is now a New York University law professor. “IF It VINDICATED HIM, why wouldn’t he let it out?”

“IF THE report Doesn’t Go public,” SHE ADDED, “THE president Can’t put this behind him.”


Mueller has not said anything publicly about how he plans to conclude his investigat­ion or when that could happen. His silence has created a guessing game about the probe’s timeline; many of the rumored due dates have come and gone without any end in sight.

“I thought they would inish By THE END of THE summer,” GIULIANI SAID. “AND then I thought they would inish BEFORE the election. I can’t imagine what’s taking them so long.”

Ending the investigat­ion might mean Mueller has to accept that he won’t get to interview Trump himself. The president has not received a subpoena to force his testimony before a grand jury, Giuliani said. So far, Trump has only answered written questions about events that took place before the election, meaning Mueller hasn’t had an opportunit­y to ask him about topics that could be relevant to an obstructio­n case.

“I’m really At A loss to DETERMINE why hehasn’t”subpoenaed­trumpalrea­dy,said Harry Litman, a former federal prosecutor. “It Just Doesn’t make sense to me.”

Althoughth­epresident’slawyerswo­uld undoubtedl­y ight A subpoena In Court, “I think It’s really pretty CLEAR (Mueller) would win,” Litman said.

Proving that the president obstructed justice would require establishi­ng his thinking behind certain decisions and WHETHER they were INTENDED to Inluence THE Investigat­ion. But LEGAL Experts say other ways exist to do that besides speaking to him, such as digging up memos or interviewi­ng his associates.

Paul Rosenzweig, who worked on the Starr investigat­ion and is now a senior fellow at the R Street Institute in Washington, said that if Mueller already had Everything HE NEEDED, “An Interview with the president is probably unnecessar­y.”

 ?? File/tribune News Service ?? FBI Director Robert Mueller testifies to the Senate Judiciary Committee about bureau oversight on March 27, 2007, in Washington, DC.
File/tribune News Service FBI Director Robert Mueller testifies to the Senate Judiciary Committee about bureau oversight on March 27, 2007, in Washington, DC.

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