Gulf Today

Sudan court sentences opposition leader to jail


A Sudanese emergency court on Sunday sentenced an opposition leader to a week in jail, as police detained several people intent on marching on parliament to protest a state of emergency.

Mariam Al-mahdi said she will spend a total of three weeks in jail ater refusing to pay a fine of 2,000 Sudanese pounds ($42).

Deputy chief of the opposition Umma Party, led by her father and former premier Sadiq almahdi, she and her sister Rabah were among those arrested earlier on Sunday.

Protest organisers had called for a march to challenge the state of emergency, imposed nationwide by President Omar Al-bashir on February 22. Bashir’s move came ater a crackdown on rallies against his iron-fisted rule failed to deter demonstrat­ors.

The president has ordered a slew of tough measures to quell the protests, including banning all unauthoris­ed rallies and seting up the emergency courts to probe offences.

Sunday’s procession was to start at the Umma Party offices in the capital’s twin city of Omdurman.

“As some of our leaders came out of the party office to lead the march, security agents arrested them,” said Mohamed al-mahdi, a party leader who is not related to the former premier’s family.

Riot police fired tear gas at those who had gathered outside the party offices, witnesses said, prompting the crowd to disperse before the march could begin.

“Protesters have now launched demonstrat­ions in some areas of Omdurman. Many of them have been arrested,” one onlooker said.

Later on Sunday, protesters also rallied in some areas of Khartoum, including in the eastern district of Burri that has become a regular site of demonstrat­ions, according to witnesses.

Alongside the two daughters of the former prime minister, “five other leaders of our party have also been taken away by security agents,” Mohamed Al-mahdi said.

Ater her sentencing, Mariam al-mahdi was taken to a women’s prison in Omdurman.

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