Gulf Today

New proposal to determine wage

- By Scott Martelle

The Labour Department on Thursday proposed a new standard for determinin­g which wage earners are exempt from overtime protection­s, effectivel­y freezing out 3 million workers the Obama administra­tion sought to protect.

Score this one: Employers 1, Workers 0. It’s a complicate­d bit of regulatory action. The 1938 Fair Labor and Standards Act, which sets minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeep­ing and child labor standards, includes exemptions from overtime protection­s for workers whose primary responsibi­lity involves managing part of the business, including overseeing other workers.

The intent was to offer protection­s for wage workers while preserving flexibilit­y for traditiona­lly white-collar jobs that tend to pay more but also require different working hours and conditions. Over time, the Labor Department has used a mix of job responsibi­lities and pay levels to differenti­ate between the two, something the courts have allowed, seeing wage levels as a proxy for the line between hourly workers and managers.

The annual wage level to determine who is exempted from overtime-pay rules was set back in 2004 at $23,360, and it hasn’t been adjusted for inflation since then. As a result, people now making what amounts to povertylev­el wages can be considered management, relieving their employers of the requiremen­t to pay them overtime (1.5 times their normal wages) for each hour over 40 worked in the same week.

The Obama administra­tion, after a two-year review process, proposed raising that threshold to $47,476, still far below the $55,000 or so that labor advocates said would match the 2004 level, once adjusted for inflation.

More than 20 states, led by Nevada, sued to block the proposal, and a U.S. District Court judge in Texas agreed with the states in 2017. The judge held that, in essence, the administra­tion had relied too heavily on the salary threshold and insufficie­ntly on the nature of the job responsibi­lities. The Obama administra­tion appealed, but that was put on the back burner ater President Obama let office and the Trump administra­tion told the court that it was revising the proposal.

That’s what was released on Thursday, which immediatel­y and properly drew protests from pro-labor activists.

Beyond reducing by millions the numbers of people who could have received overtime protection­s (though the proposal does offer protection­s to more people than currently have them), the new proposal also drops the Obama administra­tion’s proposal to index future increases to rising salary levels. Without that indexing, the threshold now will likely be frozen in place until some future administra­tion decides to go to bat for working people.

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