Gulf Today



A Bizarro cartoon in many papers showed a person being told that if they were ill yesterday then today that would be a pre-existing condition. This leads to the assumption that it wouldn’t be covered by any medical insurance. Although the Bizarro cartoons, as implied by their name, take an alternativ­e look at life this may not be a joke to many people.

Many people have litle or no insurance and what litle they do have may only cover minimal costs for a short time. People should have access to free medical support and treatment but this is not a reality in many countries.

Another issue that is seen in recent times is the security of stored medical records and who can access them. If a perspectiv­e employer could see how many days a person had off at their last job and why, then the chances of geting an interview may decrease irrelevant of ability and experience.

The enthusiasm for DNA testing for historical purposes may allow you to connect with distant relations although it could highlight possible genetic flaws and potential future illnesses. Many companies are starting to ask if you have had DNA testing and then require disclosure of potential outcomes which again may influence employment opportunit­ies.

If we had free, adequate health coverage this cartoon would be just a joke rather than the medical system being the joke.

Dennis Fitzgerald

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