Gulf Today

Mike Pompeo’s allegation­s mere pressure tactics: Pakistan

- Tariq Butt

Pakistan has refuted all the allegation­s levelled against it by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

He had accused Pakistan of harbouring terrorists who, he said, then allegedly “depart” into India from Pakistani soil. He also listed the alleged possibilit­y of nuclear proliferat­ion of Pakistan’s nuclear programme as a threat to the United States.

In private conversati­ons, top government officials said that Pompeo’s allegation­s have no basis at all. “These are all pressure tactics, nothing else,” they said.

On Pulwama atack in the Indian Held Kashmir, they said Pakistan had examined New Delhi’s dossier provided to Islamabad. “The prime minister has also seen it, and the government will give its response soon.”

Officials, who have gone through the document, also said the dossier had nothing worth wasting time on.

The Pakistan Foreign Office has also suggested that India should come out of the denial mode and warned that baseless Indian allegation­s and aggressive rhetoric were counterpro­ductive and a threat to regional peace.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, while responding to the Indian allegation­s, had said Pakistan wanted peace. “Our message is of peace, not war. If you have any actionable evidence, share it with us; we will investigat­e it with integrity and see what the reality is. Violence is not a strategy nor is it our government’s policy.”

Qureshi condemned the bombing, adding that he was “a litle sad” that without investigat­ing the incident India had instantly levelled allegation­s against Pakistan in a “knee-jerk reaction”.

“You can throw the blame at us,” Qureshi said, noting that India only “took one minute” in accusing Pakistan. Regarding apprehensi­ons of the United States regarding nuclear proliferat­ion, government officials said these were mere pressure tactics. “You can throw the blame at us,” Qureshi said, noting that India only “took one minute” in accusing Pakistan.regarding apprehensi­ons of the United States regarding nuclear proliferat­ion, government officials said these were mere pressure tactics.

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