Gulf Today

Mcdonnell stance on Scottish independen­ce causes rift


The shadow chancellor reiterated his stance that Labour government would not use ‘parliament­ary devices’ at Westminste­r to block the will of either the Scottish parliament, or people

John Mcdonnell has refused to back down from his position that Labour would not block a second Scotish independen­ce referendum, despite facing a growing backlash from furious party figures.

The shadow chancellor reiterated his stance that a Labour government would not use “parliament­ary devices” at Westminste­r to block the will of either the Scotish parliament, or people.

He claimed that by doing so would mean falling into a trap “set up” by the SNP to cast a future Labour government and the “big bad English” as standing in the way of their proposals.

It comes ater Mr Mcdonnell contradict­ed the party’s leader in Scotland, Richard Leonard, who earlier this year said a Labour government would “not agree to” a second independen­ce referendum.

Leonard told the BBC in March that if Labour took power in Westminste­r, the party would refuse to grant a Section 30 order – a mechanism giving Holyrood the power to hold another vote.

While Mr Mcdonnell, one of Jeremy Corbyn’s closest allies, insisted the party would campaign against having a referendum, he added on Wednesday: “I’ve reinforced the view that a referendum isn’t the solution to the problems in this country.

“But I don’t want to use parliament­ary devices to block it. I’m not in favour of blocking, I’ve said it time and time again in interviews.”

Leonard confirmed he had met with Mr Mcdonnell ater his remarks and “made clear to him” that a second independen­ce referendum “is unwanted by the people of Scotland and it is unnecessar­y”.

“The 2014 referendum was a once-in-ageneratio­n vote,” he said.

In an interview at the Edinburgh Festival with LBC journalist Iain Dale on Tuesday, Mr Mcdonnell provoked anger as he said that any decision on holding a vote would be down to the Scotish parliament.

“It will be for the Scotish parliament and the Scotish people to decide that,” he said. “We would not block something like that. We would let the Scotish people decide.”

“They will take a view about whether they will want another referendum. Nicola Sturgeon said by late next year or the beginning of 2021.”

Reacting to the comments, the Scotish Labour MP Ian Murray told the BBC: “Why John Mcdonnell has cross the border to go to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe to change a massive constituti­onal policy on the hoof is completely beyond me.”

Venting his frustratio­n, he continued: “We’ve had no explanatio­n from John Mcdonnell, apart from him doubling down again today, of why he would even consider an off the cuff remark on this policy. Even if he wants to change policy, we are supposed to be a democratic party.

“Where is the Scotish Labour Party members’ input into this massive constituti­onal change in policy?

“He has a lot to explain, but firstly I think he should apologise to Richard Leonard, because Richard Leonard is right. The policy is no to a second independen­ce referendum.”

Labour’s manifesto at the 2017 general election claimed independen­ce in Scotland would “lead to turbocharg­ed austerity for Scotish families”.

“Labour opposes a second Scotish independen­ce referendum. It is unwanted and unnecessar­y, and we will campaign tirelessly to ensure Scotland remains part of the UK.”

Intervenin­g in the row, Labour MP Stella Creasy added: “Nationalis­m is antithesis of socialism – to prioritise passports over principles isn’t progressiv­e.

“Egalitaria­n devolution isn’t about separation but how by working together as nations within the UK each stronger and more successful. Labour abandons such commitment at our peril.”

And seizing on the comments, the Scotish Conservati­ve leader Ruth Davidson said Mr Mcdonnell’s remarks were met with “complete dismay” by Labour voters in Scotland.

Echoing atack lines used by the Tories at the 2015 general election against the then-leader Ed Miliband, Ms Davidson said the shadow chancellor’s comments signalled Labour’s intention to propose a pact with the SNP to “parachute Jeremy Corbyn into No 10”.

“The fact is this – Jeremy Corbyn and John Mcdonnell would happily sell Scotland down the river if they thought it could give them a sniff of power,” she added.

The government has been accused of trying to play the “blame game” over a no-deal Brexit, as Michael Gove claimed that the EU was refusing to negotiate with Britain.

 ?? Agence France-presse ?? ↑ Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon chairs a Travelling Cabinet meeting in Stirling, central Scotland.
Agence France-presse ↑ Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon chairs a Travelling Cabinet meeting in Stirling, central Scotland.

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