Gulf Today



While the Amazon burns and the waters rise, climate change has taken on an urgency that can be compared to the Earth being in the Intensive Care Unit. Token symbolism to the issue is killing us slowly. One doesn’t and wouldn’t dabble with symbolism if one’s loved one is in the ICU but would desperatel­y and fervently try to find solutions, imaginable or otherwise, to tackle the situation.

There are numerous agreements besides the Paris Agreement in which several countries have pledged to take care of their environmen­t, but that is only ratified at climate meets. Ater that they all go home and forget the agreement. Let me not name the countries but we see Amazonian forests being depleted, south Asian countries paying litle heed ater making false promises, glaciers in the arctic under threat and more threat from oil drilling in Alaska.

Maybe, the absence of punitive measures causes the heads of state to take these maters lightly. But who will dole out punitive action when every single one of them is to blame? To bell the cat is an imprudent act. Multinatio­nals that fund government­s will see their profits disappear in thin air should all that is signed be implemente­d. And so less done, the beter. Less said is even beter like in the case of Trump. He walked away from the Climate debate at the recent concluded G7 summit.

If he said nothing, what can you blame him for? We will just have to wait for the floods to come and the hurricanes to raze the cities and towns. But even that my not help the case. Maryaam H

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