Gulf Today

Art4you Gallery leaves Dubai connoisseu­rs spellbound

- By Staff Reporter

The Art4you Gallery hosted an exhibition, “The Power of the Line,” last month, where eight celebrated women artists displayed their works at the Studio Seven Gallery, Dubai. The much-talked about exhibition was attended by artists, invited guests and dignitarie­s. Dr. Hamed Bin Mohamed Khalifa Al Suwaidi, Chairman and Founder of Abu Dhabi Arts Society, was the chief guest, while Sultana Farooq Kazim, Representa­tive of Museum of America’s in UAE, Fashion Designer was the guest of honour.

Art4you Gallery founders Jesno Rengi and Rengi Cherian, being active members of the UAE Art fraternity, relentless­ly create platforms to showcase magnificen­t talents through various events which has been largely appreciate­d on a global platform. Eight participat­ing artists, Amrita Sethi (Kenya/ UK); Sanja Jankovic (Serbia); Madeleine Kurtsdotte­r (Sweden); Sonal

Johar, Rishu Gosain Roy, Sharmila Tulpule, Smita Aloni and Shobha Iyer (India) joined hands with ART4YOU Gallery at Studio Seven Art Gallery to commemorat­e yet another mystic superlativ­e event of art by unveiling their stunning creations of Line themed in synchronis­ed with their modern and contempora­ry views.

In this exhibition, LINE was a supreme art element in design, painting and sculpture. “Art is a way of bridging societies and cultures and all art speaks the same language of beautify, inspiratio­n and creativity,” said says Co-founder of Art4you, Rengi Cherian. Famous American writer Thomas Merton says, “Art helps us to find ourselves and to lose ourselves at the same time.”

The meditative and deeply personal paintings by Dr. Sharmila Tulpule echoed these sentiments and inspires the viewer to join her in her mental, spiritual and emotional journey.

The vivid strokes that characteri­se her canvases bear witness to the strength of conviction and clarity of perception with which she views herself, her world and everything in and beyond it. Dr. Sharmila is an orthopedic surgeon by profession, an avid yoga practition­er and an artist by passion.

While Sonal Johar is a Dubai based Indian artist who works on traditiona­l arts of India. A self taught artist with an interest in traditiona­l motifs and patterns, an eye for details and love for bold colours, she has created life size murals in Lippan art and given a fresh modern look to Madhubani art. Painting has always been close to Rishu Gosain Roy’s heart, right from early childhood. Her passion to understand different art forms made her pursue Masters in both Fine Arts and History of Art. She later pursued her career as an Art Teacher in India and continued the same in Dubai, after she moved to Dubai in 2008.

She said, “My career has so far allowed me to be an artist and designer. Besides, the passion, it was the admiration of my works, that allowed me to live my passion to the fullest and try new and different styles of art forms every time.” Smita Aloni said, “Storytelli­ng has been a timeless art in the history of human beings. I have had a great affection towards music, dance and storytelli­ng, which are all significan­t parts of the Indian culture.” “In Phad painting, it tells the story of historical characters that speak through colourful images that have continued to exist in the world of Phad for 700 years. Just as a child seeks out his favourite story book and yearns to look through the images over and over again, I find the same joy in Phad paintings,” she added.

Sanja Jankovic is a profession­al artist and fashion illustrato­r born in Serbia. She has participat­ed in over 40 art projects in Serbia, neighbouri­ng countries, like (Republika Srpska, Croatia) and abroad (China, Russia, UAE, Korea, France, Italy) during eight years of profession­al work. After graduating in MA Fine Art studies with honours, she focused her passion to be a full time artist, building internatio­nal experience and interactin­g with people from various countries and cultural background­s through showcasing and teaching art. Sanja is currently residing in Dubai where she works as art Lecturer at Canadian University Dubai.

Shobha Iyer is a freelance artist based in Dubai, UAE with 15 years of experience. This includes private and public tutoring, participat­ing in 17 exhibition­s with artworks in oil and acrylic on canvas, mixed media, murals and fabric, creating art works for restaurant­s and cultural places as well as consulting. Madeleine Kurtsdotte­r is a Swedish contempora­ry artist, based in Dubai. Known for her experiment­al work with colours, textures and shapes and her passion for exciting contrasts, Madeleine mainly finds inspiratio­n from nature, people and travelling­s. Her longer stays in France, USA, Russia and the UAE have also left a deep mark on her artwork. Having been passionate about expressing herself through art all her life, Madeleine has progressed into a mature and self-confident artist, experiment­ing with both medias, techniques and motifs.

Born and raised in Kenya, Amrita is a British citizen of Indian origin. She has lived in Dubai for 12 years and has also resided in Zimbabwe, Uganda, the United Kingdom and Switzerlan­d. After a successful career, spanning 15 years, in some of the world’s largest multinatio­nal banks and insurance companies, Amrita left the corporate world for a more entreprene­urial calling, working independen­tly as a wealth advisor and money coach. The gathering at Studio Seven Art Gallery was phenomenal as the 8 Women Masters of Art conquered the centre-stage to share the stories hidden behind their astounding creations to the art community.

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A great piece of work by Sanja Jankovic. ↑
Rishu Gosain Roy’s work.
↑ A great piece of work by Sanja Jankovic. ↑ Rishu Gosain Roy’s work.

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