Gulf Today

Students bask in glow of artwork from classroom to Dubai gallery

- Raghib Hassan, Staff Reporter

DUBAI: Dubai-based Art4you Gallery started their new year with a student art exhibition titled “Students — Beyond Borders,” at Studio Seven Art Gallery, Dubai recently. The exhibition “Beyond Borders” was initiated by Art4you Gallery, with an aim to create awareness and appreciati­on for art and aesthetics among children. However, Studio Seven Art Gallery looked rather colourful and vibrant in the month of January. All the four walls of the gallery looked amazing and arresting. Almost every day art lovers from across the emirates paid a visit to the gallery. Everyone who could witness the exhibition was very much impressed with the creativity of the students. Like every year, this year too, the 5th edition of “Beyond Borders” project got an extraordin­ary response from the students’ community. The diversity of the event can be understood from the fact that students between 5 to 16 years represente­d 15 nationalit­ies.

The exhibition was inaugurate­d by Suhail Mohammad Al Zarooni, Chairman of Al Zarooni Foundation; Sultana Kazim, a renowned fashion designer; Peter Gressmann, founder of artforumua­e; Ahmed Rukni Al Awadhi, entreprene­ur and eminent Emirati artist; Anjini Prakash Laithu, veteran Indian artist and Imran Imzy, a wellknown Pakistani artist. The inaugural ceremony commenced by unveiling a pair of shoes, which was beautifull­y designed by Eashan Dasgupta, a student of Sheffield Private School, Dubai, followed by the prize distributi­on and art tour. Participat­ing students looked extremely excited. It was a great moment for them. Their works were displayed at the gallery, where veteran artists only get to showcase their works. Their excitement further went high when art enthusiast­s started coming and appreciati­ng their work. They got to interact with mediaperso­ns and dignitarie­s.

An ardent art lover herself and curator of the show, Jesno Jackson was extremely delighted to see the response. Talking to Gulf Today she said, “We had received around 320 entries from all across the Emirates, but could only select best 50 students and a total of 80 artworks were chosen for display. It was not possible to entertain all of them.” She said, the exhibition was based on themes, like tolerance, unity, happiness, peace, wisdom, Expo 2020 and diversity. It was a wonderful exhibition.”

Owner of Studio Seven Art Galley Jamal Ferozie, who himself loves art was completely awestruck to see the creativity of students. He said, “Artworks presented by students look much better in quality and superior in concepts, than a few participat­ing artists. I am completely in awe of these students.” Ahmed Rukni Al Awadhi, is an inspiring supporter of art in the region who looked very excited to interact with the young artists, said, “What a perfect way to start the year 2020! I am really surprised and happy to see that such young kids have the ability to create beautiful works and moreover their confident attitude to explain their artworks is really very impressive.”

The exhibition, which started on Jan.11, continued till Jan.28, 2020 and was free and open to the public. Talking about that, Jesno said, “Success of the exhibition can be understood from the fact that we had to extend the exhibition by a days on the request of visitors.” Even lots of paintings were sold out in the exhibition and this was indeed very inspiring for our students, she informed.

The purpose of this exhibition was to serve as a wide exposure for visual art and promote the achievemen­ts of students enrolled in visual art throughout UAE art scene. Also the event provided students and teachers an opportunit­y to display creative work from the classroom in a highly public place that honours their work as an effective path to learning and knowledge for each student in conceptual thinking in their journey towards art. This is being done by arranging interactio­n of artists with children in a format that consists of demonstrat­ion of the art tour and a dialogue with the students.

Art4you Gallery is a platform for creative expression by children and young adults, with a special focus on the community. Founders of Art4you Gallery, Rengi Cherian and Jesno Jackson, after wrapping their first exhibition, began their work for the next exhibition which will take place in the Spring break soon. Jesno concluded, “As a curator and founder of Art4you Gallery, it’s a great moment for us to kickstart the year 2020 with such a beautiful gathering of students at this venue. Me and my husband Rengi Cherian had started ART4YOU Gallery with a mission to provide platforms for releasing the creative expression of children and young adults, with a special focus on the community.”

 ??  ?? ↑ Top: An inside view of Studio Seven Art Gallery, Dubai.
Left: Jenson Renji Cherian’s artwork.
Right: A beautifull­y designed artwork by Eashan Dasgupta.
Excited participan­ts pose for a photo with dignitarie­s and organiser.
↑ Top: An inside view of Studio Seven Art Gallery, Dubai. Left: Jenson Renji Cherian’s artwork. Right: A beautifull­y designed artwork by Eashan Dasgupta. Excited participan­ts pose for a photo with dignitarie­s and organiser.
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