Gulf Today

Sanders and Biden brace for crucial nomination contest


DETROIT: US Democratic presidenti­al candidates Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders will campaign in the Midwest, as the two prepare for a showdown in Michigan, Missouri and four other nominating contests next week.

Sanders, who was until recently the front-runner in the party’s race to face Republican President Donald Trump in November, is trying to regain momentum after Biden received a rush of endorsemen­ts from party establishm­ent figures following his strong Super Tuesday showing this week.

He has ramped up attacks on Biden in recent days, including at a rally in Detroit on Friday night, where he criticised the former vice president’s voting record on the Iraq war and trade deals.

The two White House hopefuls will face off on Tuesday in Idaho, Mississipp­i, Missouri, Washington state, North Dakota, and Michigan, where a big win for Biden would deliver a major blow to Sanders’ hopes of becoming the nominee.

On Saturday, Sanders begins a weekend of campaignin­g in the crucial battlegrou­nd state of Michigan, which offers 125 of the 1,991 delegates needed to win the nomination.

Sanders, a US senator from Vermont, will hold a rally in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn, and a town hall focused on racial and economic justice in Flint. On Sunday, he is set to visit Grand Rapids and Ann Arbor.

Speaking to a crowd of more than 6,000 in downtown Detroit on Friday, Sanders, 78, continued to assail Biden for voting for the war in Iraq and trade deals, including the North American Free Trade Agreement, which he said had cost millions of American jobs in Michigan and other battlegrou­nd states.

“Now, if we are going to defeat Trump in Michigan, Pennsylvan­ia, and Wisconsin, it will be very hard for a candidate who voted for these disastrous trade deals,” Sanders said.

Sanders questioned whether Biden could generate enough energy and enthusiasm to prevail against Trump. But he also called Biden a friend,

and said both were in agreement that they would support the other against Trump should the other win the nomination.

Biden, 77, is expected to campaign on in St. Louis and Kansas City, where he is scheduled to be joined by US Representa­tive Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri, a former Congressio­nal Black Caucus chairman who endorsed Biden in September.

Showing continued momentum following his Super Tuesday wins, Biden’s campaign said on Friday it had raised about $22 million in five days.

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Supporters hold signs for Bernie Sanders during a campaign rally in Detroit on Friday.
Agence France-presse
↑ Supporters hold signs for Bernie Sanders during a campaign rally in Detroit on Friday. Agence France-presse

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