Gulf Today

Do not ignore flip side of social media


When it comes to women’s fitness, social media connotatio­ns have a flip side. Researcher­s have found that the fitspirati­on social media trend is flawed because it makes women feel worse about themselves and their bodies rather than inspiring them to exercise.

As per a study, published in the journal ‘Body Image,’ despite the positive intentions and popularity of social media images depicting women being active in exercise programmes, researcher­s have studied whether the #fitspirati­on Instagram movement is having its desired inspiratio­nal effect — and found the opposite to be true. The study of more than 100 women aged 17-25 years found that viewing #fitspirati­on images increased negative mood and body dissatisfa­ction among women, and that exposure to #fitspirati­on images did not lead to greater exercise behaviour.

As study researcher Ivanka Prichard from Flinders University in Australia points out, when considerin­g actual exercise behaviour, there appears to be no beneficial effect, despite their positive intentions and popularity, #fitspirati­on images are yet another way to make women feel worse about themselves and their bodies.

The point to note is that the results demonstrat­ed exposure to #fitspirati­on images led to significan­tly higher negative mood and body dissatisfa­ction when compared to the same women being exposed to travel inspiratio­n images. Social media has become an inescapabl­e part of everyone’s lives. While the benefits have been huge, the negative aspects should be tackled through corrective measures.

Globally, there have been raising concerns about health, worsening near-sightednes­s and online obsession that gaming addiction causes among children. In May 2019, the World Health Organisati­on, WHO, added gaming addiction to its Internatio­nal Classifica­tion of Diseases, ICD, a highly regarded compendium of medical conditions. It describes gaming addiction as “characteri­sed by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities”.

According to WHO, for gaming disorder to be diagnosed, the behaviour pattern must be of sufficient severity to result in significan­t impairment in personal, family, social, educationa­l, occupation­al or other important areas of functionin­g and would normally have been evident for at least 12 months.

China even imposed a curfew to limit the time spent by children playing games online, as part of a government crackdown on youth gaming addiction. China is the world’s biggest video game market, but the government has been tightening up on the industry amid concerns about health and worsening near-sightednes­s in children. Smart phones facilitate use of social media. But smart phone users who suffer from regular headaches and migraines may be more likely to use painkiller­s and find less relief, according to researcher­s at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS).

For the study, published in the jorunal Neurology: Clinical Practice, researcher­s identified 400 people in India with a primary headache condition, which includes migraine, tension headache and other headache types that are not due to another condition.

The problem is compounded by the fact that smartphone users took an average of eight pills per month compared to five pills per month for non-users.

Studyautho­rdeeptivib­hahascorre­ctlyimplie­d that while the results need to be confirmed with more rigorous studies, the findings are worrisome as smartphone use is growing rapidly and has been linked to a number of symptoms, with headache being the most common.

The implicatio­n is that more research is needed to study the impact of smartphone usage on users.

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