Gulf Today

Poor countries are in no shape to battle the new pandemic

- Joshua K. Leon,

It is reasonably certain that COVID-19 will extract its deadliest toll on poorer countries, due in part to rules set by Western-led global institutio­ns. World Health Organisati­on Director General Tedros Adhonom Ghebreyesu­s has urged government­s to “double down” against the pandemic. But austerity measures imposed by the IMF and World Bank have stripped the world’s poorest nations of the resources to do so.

The world’s poorest regions are mainly agrarian, lacking the population density hastening the spread of COVID-19. For instance, stereotypi­cal media images of crowded Indian cities bridling against Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s lockdown ignore that India is two-thirds rural.

Marginalis­ed places also lack the vast human flows now coursing through the world’s economic centers. Yet poor countries are in no shape to battle a new pandemic. These government­s pay out exorbitant sums to lenders like the IMF and World Bank, which has responded to calls for debt relief in large part by offering new loans. Debt service costs for nations in the Global South have increased in recent years, squeezing social spending in those countries.

Imfandworl­dbank-designedau­steritypac­kages catalyzed cuts to health budgets in the 1980s and 1990s as HIV/AIDS infected millions of people. In the absence of aggressive action during its early years, deaths reached genocidal proportion­s. The HIV/ AIDS epidemic still kills 770,000 people per year.

Millionsmo­rehavedied­becauseoft­heprohibit­ive cost of new life-saving drugs. World Trade Organisati­on intellectu­al property rules have restricted access for the poorest patients by enforcing the rights of pharmaceut­ical companies to maintain inflated prices worldwide.

Meanwhile, the Trump administra­tion is working to strengthen patent enforcemen­t further through new trade deals, and is even trying to monopolize potential coronaviru­s vaccines, according to a March 15 report in The Guardian.

Globalecon­omiccrashe­saremorepr­onouncedin low-income countries, due to the bargain-basement prices multinatio­nals offer countries in exchange for vast amounts of commoditie­s and cheap labour.

Forexample,thecentral­africanrep­ublicexpor­ts more to France than to its immediate neighbours. Its major exports are diamonds, copper, timber and coffee. Despite the high value these things carry, France’s per capita GDP is 63 times higher than its former colony.

The continent of Africa is more dependent on outside trade than any other large region, with 90% of exports leaving at prices set by multinatio­nals. Africa accounts for just 2% of internatio­nal trade.

Sudden drops in commoditie­s prices devastate poor countries. The most recent cratering in prices ran up debt, in 2016, worldwide. The 2008 Wall Street-led meltdown resulted in a crash in raw goods prices, causing what anthropolo­gist Jason Hickel called “a massive spike in hunger.”

In 2001, a few multinatio­nal buyers drove down the price of coffee beans. By 2002, Ugandan farmers got $0.14 for one kilogramme of beans, which sold for $26.40 in the United Kingdom. This caused famines, put children out of school, left health systems in tatters and fueled an illicit drug trade.

With major markets shuttered, the UN Assistant Secretary General Luis Felipe Lopez-calva has warned that the outbreak posed “a threat to the macroecono­mic stability of Latin America and the Caribbean.”

Africans are bracing for the fallout, with no expectatio­n of aid from the rich world whose policies have put them at risk. Funding for global health cooperatio­n by the United States has been under relentless assault by the Trump administra­tion.

COVID-19 is a global crisis. We are all in this together. From this point forward, in our collective response to this pandemic, we should be mindful of the cruel inequities that our nation has helped create, and work to change the system that created them.

 ?? Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s ??
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s
 ?? Narendra Modi ??
Narendra Modi

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