Gulf Today

Haftar backs Egypt president’s initiative to end war in Libya

Sisi tells a news conference in Cairo that his initiative includes a ceasefire starting on Monday and is meant to pave the way for elections in Libya; govt says offensive launched for Qadhafi hometown Sirte


Egypt’s president on Saturday announced an initiative to end the civil war in neighbouri­ng Libya, a plan accepted by the commander of the eastern forces.

President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi told a news conference in Cairo that his initiative includes a ceasefire starting on Monday and is meant to pave the way for elections in oil-rich Libya.

He warned against continuing to look for a military solution to the country’s crisis.

“There can be no stability in Libya unless peaceful means to the crisis are found, that include the unity and integrity of the national institutio­ns,” Sisi said. “The initiative could be a new start in Libya.”

There was no immediate comment from the Un-supported government based in Tripoli.

The ceremony in Cairo was attended by Khalifa Haftar and Aguila Saleh, speaker of the Tobrukbase­d House of Representa­tives. Several foreign diplomats, including US, Russian, French and Italian envoys attended.

There were no representa­tives of the Tripolibas­ed administra­tion, or of its main backers.

Sisi said the initiative included the formation of an elected presidenti­al council in which Libya’s three regions would be represente­d. That council would rule the country during a 1 1/2-year transition period followed by elections.

The plan also includes the unificatio­n of all Libyan financial and oil institutio­ns, and the disbanding of militias, so that the so-called Libyan National Army and other security agencies can “carry out their responsibi­lities,” Sisi said.

He called for the withdrawal of all foreign fighters in Libya. Thousands of mercenarie­s, mostly form the war-torn Syria, have been fighting on both sides of the war.

Haftar’s forces are supported by France and Russia.

Along with Turkey, the government in Tripoli is backed by Italy.

Meanwhile, forces loyal to Libya’s Un-recognised government said they launched an offensive on Saturday for slain leader Muammar Qadhafi’s hometown Sirte, as Haftar backed a ceasefire.

“The air force has carried out five strikes in the outskirts of Sirte” - the last major town before the traditiona­l boundary between Libya’s western

Tripolitan­ia and eastern Cyrenaica regions - GNA spokesman Mohamad Gnounou said.

“Orders have been given to our forces to begin their advance and to systematic­ally attack all rebel positions,” he added.

Sirte was taken by Haftar’s forces virtually without a fight in January after one of Libya’s myriad local militias switched sides.

Beyond Sirte lies the prize of Libya’s main oil export ports.

Some 450 kilometres east of Tripoli, the town was where Qadhafi put up his last stand against Nato-backed rebel forces in 2011 and nostalgia for his ousted regime remains strong.

Haftar’s forces have put a brave face on their precipitat­e fallback from the west, saying that it was a response to mounting internatio­nal pressure for a lasting ceasefire.

“Heeding appeals from the major powers and the United Nations for a ceasefire... we pulled back 60 kilometres from the Greater Tripoli city limits,” the general’s spokesman, Ahmad Al Mesmari, said.

“We have asked friendly countries and the United Nations for guarantees... that the other side and the Turkish invaders refrain from attacking us,” he told a news conference late on Friday.

Theunitedn­ations’libyamissi­onsaidontu­esday that after a three-month suspension, the warring parties had agreed to resume ceasefire talks.

Libya has endured years of violence since the 2011 uprising that toppled and killed Qadhafi, with rival administra­tions and scores of militias battling for power.

The United Nations has urged outside powers to respect a deal reached at a January conference in Berlin, ending foreign meddling and upholding a much-violated arms embargo.

In April, UN experts said hundreds of mercenarie­s from Russian paramilita­ry organisati­on the Wagner Group were fighting for him.

But last month, the GNA said Wagner Group fighters had withdrawn from combat zones south of the capital.

Libya has had no stable central authority since Muammar Qadhafi was overthrown by Natobacked rebels in 2011.

 ?? Agence France-presse ?? ↑
People watch a televised speech by Khalifa Haftar in Benghazi on Saturday.
Agence France-presse ↑ People watch a televised speech by Khalifa Haftar in Benghazi on Saturday.

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