Gulf Today

Opposition demands Imran’s resignatio­n

- Tariq Butt

ISLAMABAD: The combined opposition has rejected the federal budget and demanded resignatio­n of Prime Minister Imran Khan.

They said at a joint press conference that the government has failed to adequately address the challenges posed to Pakistan by the coronaviru­s pandemic, rampant inflation, endemic unemployme­nt, collapsing industry, shrinking agricultur­e, deadly locust invasion, and ongoing global economic shocks.

Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal said they completely reject the budget and demand that Imran should step down. “The opposition will take all measures possible to protest against it. We were expecting that the government would provide some sort of relief at a time of crisis, but to the contrary, it has increased burden on the masses.”

Bilawal said the government has imposed a tax on petrol, before the passing of the budget, which was even more than the rate of petrol itself. “There has been an absolute failure on the government’s part to secure our lives and protect our health.”

Meanwhile, Imran said that whatever the opposition does, “we are the only choice [to govern]” and the next five-year term also belongs to the Pakistan Tehrik-e-insaf (PTI).

Addressing the lawmakers on Saturday night at a dinner he hosted for them, Imran said his government can complete its five-year tenure very easily if he reaches a compromise with the opposition parties, which have united to save their corruption.

The premier said the national economy has been affected because of the coronaviru­s. He criticised the PPP and said Bilawal has destroyed it by moving away from its ideology. He added that his party, however, is standing with its ideology and will always stand by it.

The prime minister said that he was under immense pressure to hide the sugar inquiry report but he chose to publish it. He added that a former military dictator failed to make public inquiry reports into sugar crises twice in his government because of the pressure.

Imran listened to the demands and reservatio­ns of the allies and party lawmakers. He took them into confidence over the budget 2020-21 and the economic condition. He said that developmen­t of Balochista­n is one of the top most priorities of his government.

The PPP chairman said the entire opposition had played a responsibl­e role in combating the coronaviru­s. He said the PML-N, PPP and other parties had the leadership to fight the pandemic but the PTI lacked the leadership to fight coronaviru­s.

 ?? Agence France-presse ?? ↑
A health official takes a swab sample from a man during door-to-door screening in Islamabad on Monday.
Agence France-presse ↑ A health official takes a swab sample from a man during door-to-door screening in Islamabad on Monday.

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