Gulf Today

A feat that deserves celebratio­n

US Senator and Democratic vice presidenti­al running mate Kamala’s verbal fighting skills — in a debate, on the stump or in TV interviews — were obviously a key selling point to presumptiv­e Democratic nominee Joe Biden

- George Skelton and Jonathan Bernstein,

It’s fiting that California, arguably the nation’s most diverse state, would produce the first woman of colour to be placed on a major party presidenti­al ticket. We’re always ahead of the curve, right? At least that’s what we tell ourselves. In this instance, we clearly are — a historic feat that deserves celebratio­n by all Americans, regardless of their politics.

We shouldn’t pat ourselves on the backs too enthusiast­ically, however. California, by far the nation’s most populous state, still has not elected a female governor. Many other states have. Neither have we elected a governor of colour.

This is also a state of immigrants. And fitingly, Sen. Kamala Harris is the daughter of immigrant parents — a father from Jamaica, a mother from India. Harris is not only the first Black woman, but also the first Asian American person to be given a spot on a major presidenti­al ticket.

According to the US Census Bureau, California’s population is 39% Latino, 37% white, 15% Asian, 6% Black, 3% multiracia­l — like Harris — and fewer than 1% Native American or Pacific Islander.

That gives former prosecutor Harris a special licence to articulate the case against President Donald Trump’s xenophobic, family-ripping immigratio­n policies.

Her verbal fighting skills — in a debate, on the stump or in TV interviews — were obviously a key selling point to presumptiv­e Democratic nominee Joe Biden. She’s very capable of drawing blood from an opponent. Biden doesn’t have to worry about Harris slacking off on the campaign trail — as some presidenti­al candidates have had to in the past. She’s an eager brawler.

“Joe has long been impressed by how tough Kamala is,” the Biden campaign stated in announcing the selection of Harris.

It added: “Kamala doesn’t hesitate to take on powerful people and powerful interests and that’s exactly the kind of leader Joe wants by his side to rebuild this country and restore the soul of the nation.”

Well, that’s a reach — that part about taking on powerful people and interests.

Critics of Harris’ performanc­es as California atorney general and San Francisco district atorney have cited her caution in taking on tough foes, especially if it would alienate her core constituen­cy: law enforcemen­t.

Now she’s a loud advocate for police reform. But as atorney general she largely avoided intervenin­g in cases involving questionab­le police killings.

Harris also declined to take positions on controvers­ial ballot measures, including two to abolish the death penalty — a practice she claimed to abhor — and another to reduce prison sentences.

As a presidenti­al candidate, Harris wavered on the hot issue of universal health care, flipfloppi­ng on whether private insurance should play a role. But none of that will mater this fall, except as atack fodder for Trump.

There’ll be no agonising by Harris over policy positions. Like all veep candidates — Biden included under Barack Obama — Harris’ positions will be decided by the presidenti­al nominee.

Harris’ strength is in her prosecutor­ial skills, not her policy wisdom or tactical genius. And that’s what Biden is counting on.

Another huge selling point for Harris, 55, was Biden’s expected comfort level with her. That’s because of her close working relationsh­ip with Biden’s son, Beau, when both were state atorneys general.

“Back when Kamala was atorney general, she worked closely with Beau,” Biden tweeted supporters Tuesday. “I watched as they took on the big banks, lited up working people and protected women and kids from abuse. I was proud then and I’m proud now to have her as my partner in this campaign.”

It seems Biden watched his son a lot more than Harris.

This was by far Biden’s most important campaign decision and he deserves credit for following his gut. But we need to wait and see how this turns out — and whether Harris turns off suburban Republican women in key batlegroun­d states such as Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvan­ia.

Is Harris an asset, who will energise young people and women of color to vote in droves — or did Biden violate the Hippocrati­c oath about first doing no harm? We won’t know until November.

Some insiders had warned Biden that Harris seemed too “ambitious” and could be disloyal. This was largely based on Harris’ atack against Biden on busing in an early debate.

But Biden made a point of showing he doesn’t hold a grudge.

Another California VP prospect, Los Angeles Rep. Karen Bass, was apparently passed over for a few reasons:

She wasn’t as experience­d a campaigner as Harris. She hadn’t even run a statewide campaign, let alone one nationally. Plus, she and Biden weren’t particular­ly close. She didn’t come across as a fighter. And she praised Cuban leader Fidel Castro when he died, which could have cost Biden any chance of carrying Florida.

But Bass, who is Black, is a classy, nonpolaris­ing career-long fighter for civil rights. She chairs the Congressio­nal Black Caucus and was Speaker of the California State Assembly. She’s a likable liberal who can deal with conservati­ve Republican­s.

Based on polls, the Biden-harris ticket should win on Nov. 3. That will open up a Senate vacancy that Gov. Gavin Newsom legally can fill on his own — unfortunat­ely — without a vote of the people.

Bass should top Newsom’s list of potential new senators.

One bit of trivia: Harris will be the first major vice presidenti­al candidate from California since Richard Nixon in the 1950s. Hopefully that’s an irrelevant asterisk.

Harris’ selection is proof we’ve all grown a lot since then.


On the one hand, Joe Biden — who is running as the candidate who promises to make the presidency boring again — made the most obvious — that is, boring — selection for his running mate on the Democratic ticket.

California’s Kamala Harris was the logical choice all along — a nationally known senator from a big state who had run for president and acquited herself well, even though she dropped out early. That speaks well of Biden. Logical selections are the ones that have performed well over time.

On the other hand? The fact that Harris — who is Black and South Asian — was the safe choice based on normal criteria is, let’s not forget, astonishin­g. She’s only the second Black woman in the Senate ( ater Carol Moseley Braun) and the first ever female senator of South Asian ancestry.

Yet she fits all the things that the Democratic Party in 2020 would look for in a running mate for Joe Biden. Unlike Geraldine Ferraro in 1984 and Sarah Palin in 2008, Harris is already a national figure.

 ?? Agence France-presse ?? Democratic presidenti­al nominee and former US Vice President Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden (left) wave to his vice presidenti­al running mate, US Senator Kamala Harris, and her husband Douglas Emhoff (right) after their first press conference together in Wilmington, Delaware, on Wednesday.
Agence France-presse Democratic presidenti­al nominee and former US Vice President Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden (left) wave to his vice presidenti­al running mate, US Senator Kamala Harris, and her husband Douglas Emhoff (right) after their first press conference together in Wilmington, Delaware, on Wednesday.

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