Gulf Today

Failure to extend Iran arms embargo a big mistake: US

US is determined to make sure that the Iranians and this regime, this theocratic regime does not have the capacity to inflict even more harm on the world, says Pompeo


The failure to extend a UN arms embargo on Iran was a serious mistake, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Saturday.

“It’s a serious mistake, we regret that,” he told news conference during a visit to Poland.

The United States failed on Friday in its bid to extend a UN arms embargo on Iran ater the move was opposed by Russia and China, while France, Britain, Germany and eight other members abstained.

Iran on Saturday hailed the UN Security Council vote rejecting a US bid to extend an arms embargo on the Islamic republic, saying its foe has “never been so isolated.”

President Hassan Rouhani said the US had failed to kill off what he called the “half alive” 2015 deal with major powers that gave Iran relief from sanctions in exchange for curbs on its nuclear programme.

“The United States failed in this conspiracy with humiliatio­n,” said Rouhani.

“This day will go down in the history of our Iran and in the history of fighting global arrogance.”

Only two of the Council’s 15 members voted in favour of the US resolution seeking to extend the embargo, highlighti­ng the division between Washington and its European allies since President Donald Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear accord in 2018.

Washington’s European allies all abstained, and Iran mocked the Trump administra­tion for winning the support of just one other country, the Dominican Republic.

“In the 75 years of United Nations history, America has never been so isolated,” foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi tweeted.

“Despite all the trips, pressure and the hawking, the United States could only mobilise a small country (to vote) with them.”

People on the streets of Tehran had mixed reactions.

“This is an American political game. One day they give a resolution to the Security Council, the next they say they have taken” Iranian fuel, said a worker at the city’s Grand Bazaar who gave his name only as Ahmadi.

A drugstore employee named Abdoli said she was happy Iran won, but added that it

“should interact with the United States and establish relations.”

The result increases the likelihood the US will try to unilateral­ly force a return of UN sanctions, which experts say threatens to plunge the Council into one of its worst-ever diplomatic crises.

Pompeo made it clear the United States would press on despite the defeat at the UN.

“It is unfortunat­e that the French and the United Kingdom... didn’t support what the Gulf states have demanded, what the Israelis have demanded... I regret that deeply,” Pompeo told reporters in Warsaw.

“The United States is determined to make sure that the Iranians and this regime, this theocratic regime does not have the capacity to inflict even more harm on the world.” Israel’s UN ambassador called the UN vote a “disgrace.”

“This decision will further destabilis­e the Middle East, and increase the spread of violence around the world,” said Gilad Erdan.

The embargo on convention­al arms is due to expire on Oct.18 under the terms of a resolution that blessed the Iran nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehens­ive Plan of Action.

Since Trump pulled out of the JCPOA and slapped unilateral sanctions on Iran, Tehran has taken small but escalatory steps away from compliance with the accord as it presses for sanctions relief.

European allies of the United States — who, along with Russia and China, signed the deal with Iran — have voiced support for extending the 13-year-long convention­al arms embargo, saying an expiry threatens stability in the Middle East. However, their priority is to preserve the JCPOA. The US text effectivel­y called for an indefinite extension of the embargo on Iran, which diplomats said would threaten the nuclear deal.

Iran says it has the right to self-defence and that a continuati­on of the ban would mean an end to the agreement.

Apart from 11 abstention­s, Russia and China opposed the resolution.

“The result shows again that unilateral­ism enjoys no support, and bullying will fail,” China’s UN mission tweeted.

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 ?? Reuters ?? ↑
Mike Pompeo (left) and Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowic­z greet each other with an elbow bump in Warsaw on Saturday.
Reuters ↑ Mike Pompeo (left) and Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowic­z greet each other with an elbow bump in Warsaw on Saturday.

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