Gulf Today

DHA to hold virtual lecture on healthcare


DUBAI: The Dubai Health Authority’s ( DHA) Primary Healthcare Sector will be holding a virtual lecture highlighti­ng the benefits of breastfeed­ing in light of World Breastfeed­ing Week.

The virtual lecture will discuss the many benefits of breastfeed­ing, breastfeed­ing precaution­ary measures during the COVID- 19 pandemic and many more related topics. It will take place on August 16, 2020 at 12pm on ZOOM and is open to the public.

Dr Fatima Al Olama, Consultant and Head of Childcare Unit at DHA and Director of the

Lactation Training Program in the UAE, will be speaking in the lecture.

When it comes to breastfeed­ing and COVID- 19, Dr Al Olama said that studies have found that the virus cannot be passed through breastfeed­ing, in fact the World Health Organizati­on advises mothers to breastfeed — while taking precaution­ary measures — because breast milk contains antibodies that help your baby fight off viruses and bacteria

“If mothers have symptoms and they decide to breastfeed, mothers are advised to wash their hands before breastfeed­ing, they should wear a mask and wash or wipe their breast well before and after breastfeed­ing. If mothers with symptoms wish to pump breastmilk, then they should have their own dedicated pump.

“They should wash their hands well before touching the pump and follow correct cleaning directions after each use,” said Dr Olama.

Dr Al Olama added that breastfeed­ing has a number of benefits that include lowering the baby’s risk of having asthma or allergies.

“Babies who are breastfed exclusivel­y for the first 6 months, have fewer ear infections, respirator­y illnesses, and bouts of diarrhea. They also have fewer hospitaliz­ations and trips to the doctor. Breastfeed­ing has also been linked to higher IQ scores in later childhood in some studies.”

She added that stored pumped milk in the fridge for up to three days and in the freezers for up to six months.

Those who want to learn more about correct breast feeding methods and benefits can join the Zoom lecture on August 16th, 2020 at 12pm. The meeting ID is 9920028975 and the passcode is 0000.

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