Gulf Today

Saudi resumes Umrah; India goes for 500m vaccine doses

UAE reports 1,041 new cases, 1,001 recoveries; Dubai fines 8 establishm­ents; Trump’s condition improving, receives steroid in COVID-19 treatment, say doctors.


Mask-clad pilgrims circled Islam’s holiest site along socially distanced paths on Sunday, as Saudi authoritie­s partially resumed the yearround Umrah pilgrimage with extensive health precaution­s adopted ater a seven-month coronaviru­s hiatus.

Thousands of worshipper­s entered the Grand Mosque in the Holy City of Makkah in batches to perform the ritual of circling the sacred Kaaba.

It is being revived in three phases, with Saudi Hajj Minister Mohammad Benten saying last week that 6,000 pilgrims per day would be allowed in the first stage to perform the Umrah “meticulous­ly and within a specified period of time.”

Under the second stage from Oct.18, the number of Umrah pilgrims will be increased to 15,000 per day.

Visitors from abroad will be permited in the third stage from Nov.1, when capacity will be raised to 20,000.

A maximum of 40,000 people, including other worshipper­s, will be allowed to perform prayers at the mosque in the second stage and 60,000 in the third, according to the interior ministry.

A rat of precaution­s have been adopted to ward off any outbreaks, according to state media.

The revered Black Stone in the eastern corner of the Kaaba — which it is customary but not mandatory to touch during the pilgrimage — will be out of reach, and the Grand Mosque is to be sterilised before and ater each group of worshipper­s.

Each group of 20 or 25 pilgrims are to be accompanie­d by a health worker and medical teams will be on the ground in case of an emergency, Benten said.

Thermal sensors have been installed to measure the body temperatur­e of the pilgrims, Makkah authoritie­s said.

The UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP), announced that it conducted 108,906 additional COVID-19 tests which helped uncover 1,041 new coronaviru­s cases.

MOHAP also noted an additional 1,001 individual­s had fully recovered from COVID-19

The Ministry added that no Covid-19-related deaths have been recorded in the past 24 hours.

Dubai Economy has imposed fines on eight commercial establishm­ents - seven of them for employees’ lack of commitment to wearing masks and one for breaching physical distancing guidelines.

The violations were spoted in establishm­ents across various shopping centres, markets and a consumer complex in the Umm Ramool, Al Muraqqabat, and Ayal Nasir areas, and their activities included retail, general trade, and electronic­s trade. CCCP also fined a fitness centre in cooperatio­n with the Dubai Sports Council.

The field inspection teams also warned 13 other commercial establishm­ents for not placing the physical distancing stickers as required.

US President Donald Trump’s condition is improving as he is being treated for COVID-19 at a military hospital, his medical team said on Sunday, as they provided more details of the toll the lung illness has taken on him.

Trump, 74, who was flown to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Friday, could return as early as Monday to the White House, where doctors would continue his five-day course of the intravenou­s antiviral drug Remdesivir.

Dr Sean P. Conley told reporters Trump had received supplement­al oxygen on Thursday and Friday and is also being given the steroid dexamethas­one. The briefing came the day ater contradict­ory messages from the White House caused widespread confusion about the president’s condition.

India has registered 75,829 confirmed coronaviru­ses cases in the past 24 hours, a day ater crossing 100,000 total fatalities.

The Health Ministry raised India’s confirmed total to more than 6.5 million on Sunday and said at least 101,782 people have died of COVID-19 since the pandemic began.

India’s Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan said on Sunday that the Centre is working on plans to procure 400-500 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine, which will be administer­ed to up to 25 crore people by July 2021.

“Government plans to receive and utilise 400-500 million COVID-19 vaccine doses. Our target is to cover 20-25 crore people by July 2021. For that, we are building capacities in HR, training, supervisio­n, etc, on a massive scale,” he said at his weekly webinar ‘Sunday Samvaad’ for his social media followers.

 ?? Reuters ?? Muslims, keeping a safe social distance, perform Umrah at the Grand Mosque, Makkah, on Sunday.
Reuters Muslims, keeping a safe social distance, perform Umrah at the Grand Mosque, Makkah, on Sunday.

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