Gulf Today

Experts discuss Arabian Oryx conservati­on


ABU DHABI: The Environmen­t Agency - Abu Dhabi ( EAD) in collaborat­ion with the General Secretaria­t for the Conservati­on of the Arabian Oryx, organised an online webinar titled “Education and outreach programmes of Arabian Oryx Conservati­on institutio­ns in the UAE: Successes and future priorities.”

During the seminar, the conservati­on outreach efforts of the Arabian Oryx in the UAE were reviewed and discussed. Several experts and researcher­s from wildlife institutio­ns across the country participat­ed in the webinar.

Dr Shaikha Salem Al Dhaheri, Secretary-general of EAD, said, “The organising of this webinar by the EAD helps to ensure co-ordination amongst various collection­s in the country when it comes to outreach and awareness programmes, to help convey the importance of wildlife conservati­on to the public and especially to younger generation­s. This webinar was a good opportunit­y to exchange informatio­n and experience­s between the participan­ts and get to know more about the challenges facing outreach programmes of Arabian Oryx conservati­on, to suggest appropriat­e solutions, and identify future priorities for outreach efforts.”

Al Dhaheri added, “EAD derives its inspiratio­n and mission for conserving the Arabian Oryx from the wise vision of the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who establishe­d the first conservati­on programme for Arabian Oryx in Al Ain in 1968.”

The General Secretaria­t for the Conservati­on of the Arabian Oryx, with the support of the EAD, plays a major role in coordinati­ng and unifying the efforts of the Arabian Oryx range states through forming institutio­nal partnershi­ps, building technical capabiliti­es, developing strategies, action plans and guidelines that support wildlife institutio­ns in managing the Arabian Oryx collection­s, in line with recognised scientific and internatio­nal standards.

At the conclusion of the webinar, the participan­ts recommende­d the developmen­t of a toolkit for Arabian Oryx outreach programmes, which would contribute to providing outreach specialist­s with the basic and necessary informatio­n, materials and experience­s that should be taken into account when implementi­ng conservati­on education programmes at the national level. The participan­ts also stressed the importance of organising such environmen­tal webinars for their effective role in exchanging technical and educationa­l informatio­n and experience­s, which help pursue continued success in the conservati­on of the Arabian Oryx.

 ?? WAM ?? Participan­ts recommende­d the developmen­t of a toolkit for Arabian Oryx outreach programmes.
WAM Participan­ts recommende­d the developmen­t of a toolkit for Arabian Oryx outreach programmes.

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