Gulf Today

Sharjah kids’ fest to stream films, cartoons for free


Sharjah: A stellar collection of creative audiovisua­l content designed specifical­ly for the young generation­s will now be accessible to audiences in the UAE and Middle East for free. The Sharjah Internatio­nal Film Festival for Children and Youth (SIFF), organised by FUNN – a local organisati­on dedicated to promoting and supporting media arts learning in the UAE’S children and youth – has signed a partnershi­p agreement with MENA Mobile, a leading company engaged in mobile applicatio­ns, gaming, animation and internet education, based out of twofour54 Abu Dhabi.

Following a partnershi­p agreement signed by Sheikha Jawaher Bint Abdullah Al Qasimi, Director of FUNN and SIFF, and Baker Ma, Founder and CEO, MENA Mobile, SIFF’S vast repository of high-quality content spanning series, films, cartoons, songs, stories, and educationa­l videos, will be available free-ofcharge on MENA Mobile’s Bustan app, which can be downloaded on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

The partnershi­p offers young audiences easy access to a new platform that will connect them to SIFF’S handpicked collection of media content produced locally and globally.

Commenting on the partnershi­p, Sheikha Jawaher said: “This agreement creates a new avenue for us to continue on our mission of nurturing arts and culture in the young generation­s and help advance their capabiliti­es and talents. It will take us a step forward in achieving our vision to nurture a generation of empowered and highly motivated young artists capable of taking the Arab film industry to a higher level.”

Sheikha Jawaher pointed out that the partnershi­p with MENA Mobile would unlock a treasure of content for audiences from around the world to watch from the safety of their homes as we continue to practise social distancing.

She added that the move aligned with SIFF’S goal to strengthen partnershi­ps with cultural and art entities in the country, in order to enhance the learning experience­s of young film enthusiast­s.

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