Gulf Today

ECP in legal quandary over holding of local govt polls

- Tariq Butt

ISLAMABAD: The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) appears to be in a legal quandary on holding local council elections as the government continues to sit on the official notificati­on of the population census held in 2017.

The ECP has a constituti­onal obligation to hold local polls but the exercise will be deemed illegal until the final census notificati­on is issued.

The term of local government­s in Balochista­n and Khyber Pakhtunkhw­a (KP) expired on Jan.27, 2019 and Aug.28, 2019, respective­ly, while Punjab dissolved its local bodies on May 4, 2019.

Similarly, the local government­s’ tenure in Sindh ended on Aug.30 this year.

The ECP will hold elections to the local government­s within 120 days of the expiry of the term of the local government­s of a province, cantonment, Islamabad Capital Territory, section 219(4) of the Elections Act, 2017 reads.

This means that the legal deadline for holding LG polls in the three provinces, except Sindh, has already passed.

Perturbed by the situation, Chief Election Commission­er Sikandar Sultan Raja has sought Prime Minister Imran Khan’s interventi­on in the mater.

In a leter addressed to the prime minister, he has invited his atention to Article 51(5) of the Constituti­on amended through 24th Constituti­onal Amendment to pave way for allocation of National Assembly seats to the federating units and carrying out delimitati­on of constituen­cies on the basis of provisiona­l census results.

He pointed out that the one-time waiver was meant only for general elections and the subsequent by-polls and was not applicable to the local government elections.

“In this backdrop, it is stated that delimitati­on of constituen­cies is one of the fundamenta­l steps towards elections.

“According to the Constituti­on and law, delimitati­on of constituen­cies is conducted on the basis of population in accordance with the last census officially published,” he said.

Raja further said it was imperative that the final results of the sixth population census 2017 be officially published at the earliest so that the ECP could carry out delimitati­on to meet its constituti­onal obligation of organising and conducting elections to the local government­s as enshrined in Article 218(3) read with Article 219(d) and Article 140-A(2).

“The exercise of delimitati­on will not be possible until the official publicatio­n of final results of the sixth population census is made available.

“I am constraine­d to seek your kind interventi­on in the mater with the request that steps may kindly be taken for official publicatio­n of final results of the sixth national census 2017 at the earliest so that the ECP can proceed with delimitati­on of constituen­cies accordingl­y,” the leter reads.

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