Gulf Today

Switzerlan­d reaffirms support for success of Expo 2020 Dubai

UAE organisati­ons are ready to receive over 190 countries and welcome millions of visitors to a site that combines inspiring architectu­re with cuting-edge technologi­es


Switzerlan­d has reaffirmed its commitment to the success of the Expo 2020 Dubai, which will run from Oct.1, 2021 to March 31, 2022, and marks one year to go to the upcoming World Expo.

On this occasion, the Swiss Pavilion is taking part in the first Pre-expo event on Oct.5 and 6, 2020, which will be dedicated to space.

With one year to go to the mega-event, the UAE is ready to host the first World Expo to be held in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia region.

Uae federal government and local organisati­ons are ready to receive more than 190 countries, and are waiting to welcome millions of visitors to a site that combines inspiring architectu­re with cuting-edge technologi­es - a meeting point for “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future”.

With 365 days until Expo 2020 Dubai opens its doors to the world, Dubai is ready to bring the world together and the excitement is building.

In October next year, the UAE will welcome the world to a global mega-event that aims to reconnect people, cultures and society following the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Expo offers a significan­t opportunit­y for the Swiss Pavilion to showcase Switzerlan­d’s technologi­cal expertise and to promote Switzerlan­d as a fertile ground for scientific research and innovation.

In this regard, the Swiss Pavilion joins the PreExpo Space Week, the first online event of the programme series ahead of next year’s Expo.

“Switzerlan­d is not only a tech nation, but also a space nation. The Pre-expo Space Week is an excellent opportunit­y to highlight Switzerlan­d’s strength in innovation, research and education in the field of space,” said Manuel Salchli, Commission­er General of the Swiss Pavilion and Chairman of the Steering Commitee of Expo 2020 Dubai.

The Swiss Pavilion has partnered with the EPFL Space Centre, at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL) to put forward leading projects of the Swiss space scene such as the Swiss startup Clearspace. This spin-off of the EPFL has just begun on building the first satellite that can capture and deorbit space debris.

The European Space Agency has entrusted Clearspace to lead a European consortium that will develop technologi­es for more sustainabl­e activities in space.

The Expo is also an important economic platform: the Swiss Pavilion will turn on the spotlight on Swiss companies and the tourism sector to promote the country?s economic capacity and atractiven­ess in the UAE, which is Switzerlan­d’s foremost trading partner in the Middle East.

The Swiss Pavilion relies on a public-private partnershi­p model, including partners: Schindler, Rolex, Switzerlan­d Tourism, Clariant, Novartis, Nestle Middle East and North Africa and KGS Diamond Group - and suppliers.

The selected project ‘Reflection’ was designed by the Swiss project team OOS (architectu­re, general planning), Bellprat Partner (scenograph­y) and Lorenz Eugster Landscapin­g (landscape architectu­re), and built by Expomobili­a. With one year to go to the mega-event, the UAE is ready to host the first World expo to be held in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia region. UAE federal government and local organisati­ons are ready to receive more than 190 countries, and are waiting to welcome millions of visitors to a site that combines inspiring architectu­re with cuting-edge technologi­es - a meeting point for “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future”.

In October 2021, the UAE will welcome the world to a global mega-event that aims to reconnect people, cultures and society following the COVID-19 pandemic. Featuring a spectacula­r calendar of daily events and programmin­g, a rich variety of global cuisine, and a once-in-a-lifetime showcase of arts, architectu­re, entertainm­ent, culture and technology, expo 2020 will pay tribute to the resilience of humanity, its ability to innovate, and its pursuit of optimism in the face of adversity.

Progress at Expo 2020 has continued at pace. More than 210 million work hours have been completed on the site and all permanent expo-led constructi­on is complete. Fit-out, landscapin­g, and constructi­on of Country Pavilions will conclude at the end of the year.

Reviewing progress and preparatio­ns toward the major internatio­nal event, leaders of Dubai and the UAE’S public and private sectors have confirmed the UAE’S and Dubai’s readiness to hosting this mega event and its visitors from all around the world.

Sheikh ahmed bins ae ed alma k to um, chairman of Dubai Civil Aviation Authority and Chairman and Chief Executive of Emirates Airline and Group, Chairman of Dubai Airports, and Chairman of the expo 2020 Dubai Higher Commitee, said: “In just one year’s time, as the UAE celebrate its Golden Jubilee and we look ahead to the next 50 years of our nation, we will be bringing the world together for an unparallel­ed World expo, anchored in the values of solidarity, cooperatio­n and creativity.

These values have been the pillars of our successful economic model, which has never stopped adapting to world changes during the past few decades. expo 2020 Dubai will be a major milestone in our developmen­t journey and will be followed by similarly ambitious projects.

 ?? WAM ?? ↑
The Expo 2020 offers a significan­t opportunit­y for the Swiss Pavilion to showcase Switzerlan­d’s technologi­cal expertise.
WAM ↑ The Expo 2020 offers a significan­t opportunit­y for the Swiss Pavilion to showcase Switzerlan­d’s technologi­cal expertise.

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