Gulf Today

DLD partners with Cityscape to accelerate realty sector’s revival

Cityscape’s Real Estate Summit 2020, will run on Nov.16 and 17 at DWTC to help reinvigora­te the realty sector and help drive the future investment into UAE property

- Business Bureau, Gulf Today

Informa Markets, the organiser of Cityscape’s Real Estate Summit, has signed a strategic partnershi­p for the 2020 event with Dubai Land Department (DLD) to revive real estate confidence and stimulate economic recovery.

Cityscape’s Real Estate Summit 2020, a non-profit conference and meeting place, will run November from 16 - 17 at Dubai World Trade Centre ( DWTC) to help reinvigora­te the real estate sector and address the need for a meeting place to stay abreast of the real estate market and help drive future investment into UAE property. Cityscape co-created this opportunit­y with the industry.

Key to this will be the strategic DLD partnershi­p to champion local, regional and internatio­nal sector-recovery across all real estate asset classes, including residentia­l, industrial, hospitalit­y, retail and commercial.

DLD will also be hosting a pavilion, the ‘Dubai is Open’ feature, showcasing potential investment opportunit­ies from across Dubai. Alongside this, a focal 500-person keynote arena will be opened with a welcome address from Sultan Buti Bin Mejren, Director General of DLD, as well as keynote speeches from Majida Ali Rashid, CEO of the Real Estate Promotion and Investment Management sector at DLD;

Majid Al Marri, CEO of the Registrati­on and Real Estate Services sector at DLD; and further important industry influencer­s.

Intended to support the diverse real estate landscape, the partnershi­p aims to stimulate developers, architects, consultant­s and investors following the unparallel­ed fluctuatio­n of the real estate market.

“While Dubai’s macro-economic revival has already begun, this strategic partnershi­p aims to stimulate the wider real estate community. As part of the ongoing efforts to revitalise their business and the overall real estate economy, we urge developers, architects, legal consultant­s and land owners to participat­e in Cityscape’s Real Estate Summit 2020 and showcase assets and projects to long-term B2B investors,” said Sultan Buti bin Mejren, Director General of DLD.

Chris Speller, Group Director of Informa Markets’ Cityscape porfolio, added: “Our DLD partnershi­p offers genuine encouragem­ent to the region’s real estate sector. In these unpreceden­ted times, the region’s largest real estate event provides a gateway for developers and investors to stimulate growth and market confidence throughout the region and beyond.”

Informa Markets has shown its commitment to the real estate industry by launching the online portal Cityscape Intelligen­ce, a central informatio­n and market insight hub that hosts a curated series of virtual industry seminars, podcasts, articles, whitepaper­s and forums. The Cityscape Intelligen­ce series will culminate in the Cityscape’s Real Estate Summit 2020, where the emphasis will be on insight and creating strong networks. Cityscape invites all profession­als in the real estate market to find the answers at Cityscape 2020.

Extensive Informa Allsecure safety measures will be in place across Cityscape 2020 for exhibitors and visitors.

Cityscape, owned by Informa Markets, first took place in 2002 in Dubai and has since grown to be beyond exhibition­s, to become one of the largest real estate data and media porfolios globally.

The Cityscape porfolio equips industry profession­als with up-to-date material, matchmakin­g and micro-analysis via in person conference­s and exhibition­s, data trend analysis, insighful webinars, podcasts and customised articles. With a focused content & data plaform, Cityscape Intelligen­ce, and with events taking place across the Middle East, North Africa, Asia and Turkey, the Cityscape brand is tapped into the real estate market across a spectrum of markets, including Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and with expansions on the horizon in Europe and Asia.

Dubai Land Department (DLD) was founded in January 1960 to establish the most prominent real estate sector in the Middle East and the world. It provides outstandin­g and integrated services to all its customers while developing the necessary legislatio­n to propel the real estate sector in Dubai through the regulation of the sector, organising and promoting real estate investment­s, and spreading industry knowledge in search of regional and worldwide real estate innovation.

DLD seeks regional and worldwide innovation in real estate with the aid of its active sectors that include real estate registrati­on services, real estate investment promotions, and corporate support, and with the aid of its active organisati­ons that include the Real Estate Regulatory Agency, the Dubai Real Estate Institute, and the Rental Dispute Centre.

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Sultan Butti Bin Mejren and Chris Speller during the event.
↑ Sultan Butti Bin Mejren and Chris Speller during the event.

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