Gulf Today

Sharjah Islamic Bank wins two awards at IFA


SHARJAH: Sharjah Islamic Bank (SIB) has won the ‘Best Islamic Bank’ and the ‘Most Innovative Digital Bank’ award 2020, at the 8th Internatio­nal Finance Award (IFA) which highlights the achievemen­ts of all banks providing outstandin­g services across areas of innovation, infrastruc­ture developmen­t and customer focus.

The winners will be honoured during a ceremony due to be held early next year.

SIB was recognised as the Best Islamic Bank for its provision of services, adhering to the Islamic law, which has strongly reflected in the financial results achieved by the bank.

Winning the title of the Most Innovative Digital Bank reveals the effective and proactive approach undertaken by SIB, in introducin­g informatio­n technology-focused programs that have helped foster growth and a culture of excellence in the region.

Mohamed Abdalla, CEO of Sharjah Islamic Bank, said, “Honouring SIB with two prestigiou­s awards is a great acknowledg­ement of our efforts and quality of services.”

“Over the years, the bank has succeeded in providing distinguis­hed services to individual­s and corporate clients, whilst introducin­g innovative concepts that have also significan­tly helped improve the quality of work. We take pride in offering our clients modern Sharia compliant services that are in line with internatio­nal standards.”

He added, “These awards represent our efforts in establishi­ng a culture of excellence by providing innovative services by keeping pace with the advancemen­t in modern technologi­es.”

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