Gulf Today

DIC webinar highlights Dubai’s role in connecting global firms

Dubai’s efforts encourage the adoption of modern technologi­es to overcome major challenges in the constructi­on industry

- Business Bureau, Gulf Today

Leading experts in immersive technologi­es on Sunday commended Dubai’s business environmen­t and the role it plays in enabling them to connect with top global companies to share knowledge and exchange expertise, as well as its efforts in encouragin­g the adoption of these technologi­es to overcome major challenges in the constructi­on industry.

Their comments were made at a webinar as part of a series hosted by Dubai Internet City (DIC), titled ‘Immersive Technologi­es in Architectu­re, Engineerin­g and Constructi­on Industries’. The experts added that Dubai is home to topnotch companies, operating within the Fourth Industrial Revolution model, that focus on the sustained integratio­n of immersive technologi­es.

The session witnessed the participat­ion of Daniel Khayat, Head of Product at HTC VIVE MEA, Michael Naguib, Senior Architect at LWK & Partners, and Sorin Bularca, AEC Technical Sales Specialist at Autodesk. The three companies operate out of Dubai Internet City, the largest tech business community that hosts 1,600 technology companies and more than 25,000 employees and entreprene­urs.

Webinar participan­ts discussed the growing interest in AR and VR technologi­es with the aim of improving operationa­l efficiency, reducing costs, and overcoming the skills gap, and pointed out that innovation is the core driver in enabling AEC companies to prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Daniel Khayat noted that the world is witnessing an integratio­n of different sectors and the increased utilisatio­n of technologi­es in diverse fields. He said although immersive technologi­es were first used within the gaming sector, they have now overlapped into other sectors, including architectu­re, engineerin­g and constructi­on.

Speakers also highlighte­d the growing uptake of immersive technologi­es in AEC sectors and the importance of these technologi­es that rely on 3D simulation to enhance sales and further develop marketing tools that will transform the way business is done.

They added that immersive technologi­es can create more atractive experience­s through combining the physical and virtual worlds. In doing so, they allow users to engage in discussion­s, add their own comments, review complex systems, evaluate problems, change building models in a virtual environmen­t, and improve communicat­ion among team members. Such solutions are currently facilitate­d by companies like Autodesk that integrate products of other companies within its plaform to help engineerin­g teams coordinate, plan and solve problems virtually.

For his part, Sorin Bularca highlighte­d the relevance of immersive technologi­es that include AR, VR and MR technologi­es in improving the visual representa­tion of projects and in ensuring the final output is more profession­al and engaging.

He also discussed the role of immersive technologi­es in training, simulation and presentati­ons, drawing on the example of a gas company that trained its workers to understand its facility before constructi­on was complete through introducin­g them to the different department­s and equipment virtually.

Sorin also cited the example of utilising immersive technologi­es in the constructi­on industry via an applicatio­n that made it possible for facility managers and constructi­on teams to ‘see trough walls’ by overlaying 3D digital models of ducts and pipes on real buildings, giving them the capability of locating building services for coordinati­on or maintenanc­e.

In his interventi­on, Michael Naguib told the audience how it is now possible to develop immersive technologi­es from just still rendered images and ensure that they simulate reality with a much larger degree of accuracy than was previously possible. He atributed this achievemen­t to advanced computers that improve the process of rendering to generate 2D or 3D photos from previously entered data. Naguib added that this rendering process was developed in his company is enabling an accelerati­on from 90 frames per hour to 90 frames per second, thanks to the use of real time rendering images.

Addressing live atendee questions, the speakers concluded saying that the next turning point for immersive technologi­es will come from further advancemen­t of the technology and greater price reduction of supplement­ary applicatio­ns and equipment.

Dubai Internet City (DIC), a member of TECOM Group, is a unique ICT hub and is the only specialise­d technology business community in the region, it is a place where innovators and entreprene­urs from all over the world work, connect and share their vision for a bold new tomorrow.

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Dubai Internet City’s webinar is titled ‘Immersive Technologi­es in Architectu­re, Engineerin­g and Constructi­on Industries’.
↑ Dubai Internet City’s webinar is titled ‘Immersive Technologi­es in Architectu­re, Engineerin­g and Constructi­on Industries’.

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