Gulf Today

Pompeo wraps up tour by visiting Israel museum


JERUSALEM: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo wrapped up a trip to Israel on Friday with a visit to a museum in Jerusalem that honours Christian Zionists and was founded by a prominent evangelica­l adviser to the Trump administra­tion.

The museum visit came a day ater Pompeo became the first secretary of state to visit an Israeli setlement in the occupied West Bank.

He also announced a new policy allowing setlement products exported to the US to be labeled “made in Israel” and a new initiative to combat the Palestinia­n-led internatio­nal boycot movement.

The Friends of Zion Museum was founded by Mike Evans, a prominent evangelica­l supporter of Israel. Pompeo did not deliver any public remarks at the museum and departed Israel midday.

Christian Zionism is a belief by some Christians that the return of the Jews to the Holy Land and the establishm­ent of the state of Israel in 1948 were in accordance with biblical prophecy.

Evangelica­l Christians are among President Donald Trump’s most loyal supporters and have hailed his unpreceden­ted support for Israel.

They would also be an important constituen­cy should Pompeo pursue elected office following Trump’s presidency.

The Trump administra­tion has broken with decades of US policy to support Israel’s claims to territory seized in war and to isolate and weaken the Palestinia­ns.

It moved the US Embassy to contested Jerusalem, adopted the position that setlements are not contrary to internatio­nal law, recognised Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights — which Pompeo also visited on Thursday — and released a Mideast plan that overwhelmi­ngly favored Israel and was rejected by the Palestinia­ns.

Biden is opposed to setlement constructi­on and has vowed to adopt a more evenhanded approach aimed at reviving peace negotiatio­ns between Israel and the Palestinia­ns.

Separately, Israel has accused Lebanon of changing its position in talks on their disputed maritime border and warned it could lead to a “dead end” that would be damaging for the whole region.

“Lebanon has changed its stance on its maritime border with Israel seven times,” Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz tweeted late Thursday.

“Its current position contradict­s not only its previous one, but also Lebanon’s stance on its maritime border with Syria, which takes into account Lebanese islands close to the border,” Steinitz said. On Friday, the Lebanese presidency dismissed the Israeli accusation­s of Lebanon changing its position seven times as “unfounded.”

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