Gulf Today



It was so important that the process of transfer of power to the newly-elected President of America Joe Biden be peaceful because the United States of America is the only superpower in the world, and any chaos, like agitation on the roads or riots in the country, would have led not only the US but also the world into a period of destabilis­ation (“Biden rolls back Trump policies on climate, health, Muslims,” Jan. 22, Gulf Today).

The US President Joe Biden’s first day in the White House signing files to roll back Trump’s policies on climate, health and Muslims has sent a positive message to the world.

Biden signed 15 executive actions shortly ater being sworn in on Wednesday as he announced America’s return to the internatio­nal Paris Agreement to fight climate change, the centrepiec­e of a rat of day-one executive orders aimed at restoring US leadership in combating global warming.

Biden is undoing policies put in place by his Republican predecesso­r Donald Trump, and making his first moves on the pandemic and climate change.

The United States of America is the only country in the world which is a superpower, but with the superpower status, the country has a huge responsibi­lity to deal with the world with ultimate justice.

There is no doubt that the former US president Donald Trump’s policies were against the will of the people around the world, and were based on injustice.

There are now some countries who are showing their muscle through their economic and military growth and participat­ing in the race to be a world superpower. President Joe Biden is a politicall­y experience­d person, he has to deal with the world in a sensible way throughout his tenure, not the way his Republican predecesso­r Donald Trump dealt with the world.

I hope the policies of the newly-elected US President will bring peace and stability in the world, including the United States of America. Aamir Qasmi

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