Gulf Today

Under Biden, US will be a force for good again

- Frank F. Islam, The Independen­t

With the inaugurati­on of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States, America is closing one of the darkest and saddest chapters in its history and opening a new one filled with hope and optimism. The swearing-in of the former Vice President and Senator heralds a new dawn not just in the United States but the world as well.

The destructiv­e nature of Trump’s presidency has been well-documented by the US and internatio­nal media. To name just a few of his transgress­ions during the four years he has been at the White House:

* Trump reversed many of the major gains the country had made in race relations;

* Actively discourage­d immigratio­n, upon which the country was built, especially from the non-european countries;

*Rolled back more than a hundred environmen­tal regulation­s;

*Waged a nonstop war against the country’s institutio­ns, including the press; and

*Pulled the United States out of landmark global treaties and organisati­ons, such as Paris Climate Agreement and the World Health Organizati­on, and largely abandoned America’s global leadership, allowing countries such as Russia and China to fill that vacuum.

Finally, on his way out of the Oval Office, Trump refused to acknowledg­e the results of a free and fair election that he lost decisively. Unlike his predecesso­rs, he did not facilitate a peaceful transfer of power, even encouragin­g his followers to stage an insurrecti­on. In a nutshell, he is leaving office with the country deeply divided.

While Trump was remarkably effective in dismantlin­g American institutio­ns and sowing chaos both at home and abroad, when it comes to tackling issues and solving problems, he has been one of the most incompeten­t presidents in US history.

A case in point is his handling of the COVID-19 crisis. The United States, which has the largest and most expensive healthcare infrastruc­ture, should have tackled the virus beter than most other countries. But the nation today accounts for more than a quarter of the global coronaviru­s cases and more than a fith of the worldwide fatalities, even though it has only five per cent of the world population.

Despite receiving early warnings about COVID-19, Trump ignored the pandemic at the beginning and then underplaye­d it even ater it began killing hundreds of thousands of Americans. The President worried that stock markets would tank if he took aggressive measures to tackle the virus.

Fortunatel­y for America, the nation will have a leader who is capable of leading it out of the morass. Throughout the campaign, Biden promised voters to act as a President for the whole country, not just for his base. Ater his victory, the President-elect has reached out to Trump voters, saying that he will heal the divisions.

Ater four years of Trump’s relentless war against the government and the institutio­ns — which he dubbed as ‘Deep State’ — it is refreshing to have as President someone who has faith in American institutio­ns, whether it is judiciary, the legislatur­e or the press. Unlike the so-called conservati­ve President, Biden has great respect for traditions as well.

For the past four years, the White House has acted as an ‘accountabi­lity-free zone’. Biden has clearly told Americans that his administra­tion would be accountabl­e to them in every which way.

Another refreshing thing about the incoming administra­tion is the manner in which it has gone about filling the top positions of various department­s and agencies. Diversity, subject-mater expertise and competence have been the key to the nomination at every level. The new administra­tion’s first day initiative­s are likely to include an ambitious Coronaviru­s recovery package and a flurry of executive orders that will reverse many of Trump’s controvers­ial executive orders. Three such executive orders are reentering the Paris climate agreement and joining the World Health Organizati­on and the repeal of the socalled Muslim ban.

We are also likely to see a number of Coronaviru­s-related policies, such as a mask mandate, expansion of COVID testing and a stay on evictions and foreclosur­es of people that have fallen behind in paying rent and mortgage.

The Biden administra­tion will be tackling COVID on a war footing and the President-elect has already surrounded himself with prominent experts and scientists.

Similarly, domestic and foreign policy, and national security teams that Biden has put together are among the most experience­d and talented. They are ready for the United States to, once again, assume the global leadership it held for more than a century. The country will rejoin the Paris Agreement on climate change, rejoin the World Health Organizati­on and a series of other internatio­nal accords and treaties Trump had exited. It will also rebuild the bridge with its NATO partners. It will once again take an active role internatio­nally, dealing with issues that are important to the future of all the countries of the world. There is no doubt that a Biden Presidency will bring a wave of change to global politics and policies. In fact, the President-elect himself said it succinctly, “America is back - we’re at the head of the table once again.”

In his farewell speech 32 years ago, a Republican President referred to America as “a shining city on a hill,” a metaphor he had used to describe the country throughout his eight-year presidency. Ronald Reagan, who was then engaged in a Cold War with the Soviet Union, always saw America as a force for good.

Ironically, it is that vision of America as a force for good that Trump — who came to power promising to “make America great again” — destroyed in 1,461 days. Biden, a 39-year-old Senator when Reagan entered the White House, is now ready to make America a force for good again and revive the construct of the nation as a “shining city on a hill”.

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