Gulf Today

Coronaviru­s vaccine shots mandatory for Filipino soldiers

- Manolo B. Jara

MANILA: Vaccines are mandatory for members of the 150,000-strong Armed Forces of the Philippine­s (AFP), who have no choice but to get their inoculatio­n shots from the Chinese manufactur­er Sinovac whose 600,000 doses are to arrive on Sunday, according to a top military officer.

“To get vaccinated or not is not an option for members of the AFP. They need to be vaccinated so they won’t be a burden or add to the problem,” Major General Edgard Arevalo, the military spokesman, told an online media briefing.

Arevalo warned that officers and men who refuse to get inoculatio­n shots would be charged with insubordin­ation punishable by the Articles of War. If they refuse to take the Sinovac product called Coronavac, they would have to pay for their jabs from other vaccine brands, he added.

Military soldiers and officers, Arevalo explained, play a key role as first responders in hospitals, quarantine checkpoint­s and in transporti­ng supplies and stranded people due to natural or man-made calamities.

As such, AFP personnel could take any vaccine brand provided they pay for it, according to Arevalo. As it is, he said there is no choice for them but to take the shots from Sinovac whose products totalling 600,000 doses donated by the Chinese government is scheduled to arrive on Sunday.

On Friday, Harry Roque, the presidenti­al spokesman, confirmed that President Duterte would lead in the official welcome for the arrival of the donated 600,000 doses at a military airbase in suburban Pasay City, Metro Manila on Sunday.

“It’s in his schedule,” Roque texted Malacanang Palace reporters, pointing out that in leading the welcome, Duterte wanted to show the COVID-19 donation was the Philippine­s “debt of gratitude” to the Chinese government.

Earlier, the Food and Drug Administra­tion (FDA) granted the Sinovac applicatio­n for emergency use authorisat­ion (EUA), thus paving the way for the official entry of the product in the Philippine­s. Sinovac was the third vaccine maker to get the EUA, the first two being Pfizer from the US and Astrazenec­a from the United Kingdom.

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