Gulf Today

People power is back and politician­s are now listening

- Cathy Newman,

People power is back. Three of the biggest stories this week have convincing­ly demonstrat­ed the force of popular protest. Plans for a European Super League lie in taters ater furious fans expressed their discontent, congregati­ng at Stamford Bridge and Elland Road and venting their fury online.

They knew they’d got an audience when the likes of Manchester United’s co-chairman Joel Glazer and Liverpool owner John W Henry issued humiliatin­g apologies for their role in the fiasco. These billionair­es don’t do sorry without good reason. And it was the people wot won it.

As The Sun said: “This is the will of the people expressed loud and clear.”

Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, the global outrage which began less than a year ago ater the murder of George Floyd found catharsis in the guilty verdict against police officer Derek Chauvin. In dozens of countries, in thousands of cities, millions of people have taken part in Black Lives Mater demonstrat­ions, making it potentiall­y the largest movement in American history.

The jury spoke at the end of trial. Due process was followed. But the people have been heard.

And even in the government’s announceme­nt of more ambitious targets to cut carbon emissions, the influence of a shit in popular opinion has been felt. What started with a schoolgirl’s solitary protest has become a global force to be reckoned with. Now, when Greta Thunberg or Rosamund Adoo-kissi-debrah – who batled for years to convince the authoritie­s her nine-yearold daughter Ella was killed by toxic air – speak, the establishm­ent listens.

What’s striking about all three stories is the alacrity with which politician­s currently in power are acknowledg­ing the will of the people who put them there. It’s the way it should be in a democracy.

Boris Johnson and his culture secretary Oliver Dowden acted with lightning speed to denounce the European Super League. Even unelected royalty – Prince William – got in on the act. The billionair­e bosses might not have crumpled so fast if the elite hadn’t followed the lead of those furious fans.

Likewise, ater the Chauvin verdict, US President Joe Biden called the Floyd family personally aterwards, telling them: “We’re all so relieved.”

Of course, there are plenty of dissenting voices, with Fox News host Tucker Carlson channellin­g former president Donald Trump’s stance on the Black Lives Mater protests, saying Tuesday’s verdict taught people that “violence works”.

It’s true that some of the demonstrat­ions turned violent, though analysis suggests the vast majority were peaceful.

But the power of protest, the force of argument and the sheer weight of numbers has prevailed. People no longer feel impotent – and one of the things that has empowered them is social media. The toxic nature of Twiter, Facebook and the like has been much discussed, but it’s worth pointing out what a force for good these arenas can be.

Thehomesec­retaryprit­ipatelaccu­sedfaceboo­k of being blind to the problem of child abuse on its plaform by introducin­g end-to-end encryption, hampering the authoritie­s’ safeguardi­ng efforts.

Elon Musk’s Tesla was forced to issue an apology ater it was accused of arrogance in its response to an unhappy customer’s protest in China. Musk sees himself as a visionary, but some of his customers, and indeed shareholde­rs, appear to be growing increasing­ly sceptical.

He doesn’t seem to care what people think of him – so long as he’s successful. Twiter’s boss Jack Dorsey (who once said Musk was his favourite Twiter user) hails from the same charm school, saying he doesn’t care about “looking bad”. But these guys do need to worry about what their users make of them. Ater all, the customer’s always right, as one football tycoon ater another has discovered to their great cost this week.

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Greta Thunberg
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Priti Patel

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