Gulf Today

UAE mosques to hold Qiyam ul lail prayers


ABU DHABI: UAE health authoritie­s during their weekly briefing announced the “Tahajjud” (Qiyam-ul-lail) prayers will be held at mosques across the UAE during the last ten days of the Holy Month of Ramadan.

It was decided to limit prayer time to 30 minutes between 12:00-12:30am across UAE. Worshipper­s must abide by all precaution­ary measures in place.

And mosques will be closed immediatel­y ater prayers.

Authoritie­s, however, said I’tikaaf won’t be allowed this year.

During the briefing it was also revealed that the UAE has advanced to 8th place worldwide and maintains its 1st position in Arab world on Bloomberg’s Covid-19 Resilience Ranking, achieving 69.7 points on general index.

Thus, it’s among top 10 countries ahead of China, Finland, Denmark, Canada & Switzerlan­d.

The UAE managed to reach this advanced position regionally and globally, thanks to the preventive measures it took since the beginning of the crisis, as it dealt with the pandemic effectivel­y, while not disrupting business and societal affairs.

The success of the national vaccinatio­n campaign in the UAE in achieving its goals so far is an indication of the strength of the medical and health system in it, as the total number of doses provided to date has reached more than 10 million doses.

Availabili­ty of vaccines is a key achievemen­t in the UAE’S batle against pandemic. It’s available to all for free in all centers operating at max. capacity, which requires all to cooperate & start geting vaccine & reach acquired immunity due to vaccinatio­n.

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