Gulf Today

It seems the summit didn’t discuss the expected

The latest freakout came on the heels of last week’s Leaders Summit on Climate, a meeting of over 40 world leaders hosted by President Biden. The summit was designed as an opportunit­y to showcase the Biden administra­tion’s renewed commitment to climate ac

- Jamie Henn,

What is it with the right-wing media and their obsession with progressiv­es coming to steal their hamburgers? From the conversati­on that took place on Fox News and online over the weekend, you’d think that the White House climate office was staffed exclusivel­y by the Hamburglar and his henchman.

The latest freakout came on the heels of last week’s Leaders Summit on Climate, a meeting of over 40 world leaders hosted by President Biden. The summit was designed as an opportunit­y to showcase the Biden administra­tion’s renewed commitment to climate action (the White House unveiled a new pledge to cut greenhouse gas emissions 50 per cent by 2030) and increase global ambition ahead of this year’s global climate talks in November.

Over the course of two days, world leaders, administra­tion officials, advocates, and experts discussed how to accelerate the transition to an 100 per cent clean energy economy. There was a panel on how climate change impacts national security. A discussion about the economic benefits of transition­ing away from fossil fuels. A call for increased investment­s in innovation and new technologi­es.

You know what wasn’t mentioned a single time? Hamburgers. In fact, in all of Biden’s extensive plans on climate change, there isn’t a single mention of any government mandates to reduce meat consumptio­n.

(As Ezra Klein wrote recently in the New York Times, the government really should be looking at ways to spur research into meat alternativ­es, but there’s nothing there right now). That didn’t stop Fox News from puting up a graphic with the title “Up In Your Grill” that asserted that Biden’s “climate requiremen­ts” were going to force people to cut “90% of red meat from diet” and eat only “4 lbs of meat a year” and “one burger per month.”

Texas Governor Greg Abbot, whose state recently suffered from a massive blackout caused in large part by the failure of fossil fuel infrastruc­ture during a climate-related extreme weather event, tweeted out the graphic saying, “Not gonna happen in Texas!”

Not to be outdone in the stupid tweets category, Donald Trump Jr. put out: “I’m prety sure I ate 4 pounds of red meat yesterday.” (Maybe that’s why he looked like such a wreck at the Republican National Convention last year: it was the meat sweats).

It’s easy to write off all this meat-thet phobia as just the latest conspiracy-laden nonsense from the radical right, but in fact, portraying climate action as a threat to personal freedom, and hamburgers in particular, has been a longtime strategy by conservati­ves.

You see it in Fox News’ assault on the Green New Deal (which also doesn’t say anything about ending hamburger consumptio­n). Or in Donald Trump’s speeches, where he’d say that Democrats were also coming for your dishwasher­s, toilets, and washing machines.

Whenever possible, right-wing commentato­rs will shit the conversati­on about climate change away from the need for systemic change or corporate action and focus on the supposedly negative impacts addressing the crisis will have on individual­s.

The right didn’t make up this strategy on their own, however: they learned it from the fossil fuel industry and other corporate polluters.

The polluters’ strategy begins with placing “blame” for environmen­tal damage firmly on the individual, rather than the corporatio­n.

Ever since the environmen­tal awakening of the 1970s, industry has done everything it can to redirect demands for change away from corporatio­ns and back onto individual­s.

In fact, perhaps the most famous environmen­tal ad of all time, the so-called “Crying Indian,” which features a Native American (played by an Italian-american) shedding a tear as he watches someone liter, was produced by major beverage companies in order deflect atention away from calls to end single-use plastic and instead focus on the need for each of us to recycle.

This strategy of focusing on individual action has been particular­ly effective when it comes to climate change. As George Monbiot has writen in the Guardian, “The big polluters’ masterstro­ke was to blame the climate crisis on you and me.”

Despite the fact that just 100 corporatio­ns contribute about 71 per cent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, we’re constantly bombarded with messages that each of us is equally responsibl­e for the climate crisis.

In recent court cases, Chevron has argued that it can’t be held accountabl­e for the damage it’s doing to the climate, because “individual consumers” are to blame for all its emissions.

Once they’ve firmly establishe­d that individual­s are responsibl­e for the climate crisis, then it’s easy for the industry and their allies to pretend like any actions to address the problem will necessaril­y revolve around lifestyle changes, rather than systemic ones.

They say that environmen­talists want to “turn off your lights” and are going to make you “live in caves.” They say you’ll never be able to fly again. And yes, they say that “Big Government” is coming for your hamburgers.

It’s an effective messaging strategy, but it’s not invincible. Big Tobacco tried the exact same approach of blaming consumers for using their products, but ultimately, thanks to efforts like the Truth Campaign, which kept a tight focus on corporate lies and responsibi­lity, tobacco corporatio­ns were held accountabl­e.

We need to take the same approach when it comes to the fossil fuel industry. That means continuing to emphasize the role of fossil fuel corporatio­ns in causing the climate crisis, focusing on the need for systemic, rather than individual change, and when we do talk about individual­s, highlighti­ng the many ways that climate action will increase our freedom, choices, and opportunit­ies.

It also means demanding that PR and advertisin­g agencies stop working with fossil fuel companies to warp the public debate and deflect responsibi­lity for the problem.

All this isn’t to say that you shouldn’t cut down on your meat consumptio­n. If you’re eating 4 pounds of meat a day like Don Jr., you probably want to take a closer look at your life choices. But that’s going to be your choice: President Biden isn’t coming to take away your hamburger.

He’s focused instead on building a clean energy economy that works for everyone. So unless you’re a fossil fuel CEO, rest easy. Or beter yet, get out and fight for this systemic change.

 ?? File/associated Press ?? President Joe Biden, accompanie­d by Vice President Kamala Harris, at the White House in Washington.
File/associated Press President Joe Biden, accompanie­d by Vice President Kamala Harris, at the White House in Washington.

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