Gulf Today

The 2021 Oscars: Most awkward experience­s of the year

- Charles Arrowsmith,

Regina King promised an “Oscars movie with a cast of over 200 nominees.” Producer Steven Soderbergh pledged to create “a three hour film at Union Station.” On both grounds, this year’s Academy Awards were a failure. It turns out you can’t make a successful live movie if no one knows the ending, and no mater how many talented performers you sardine into one room, most of them won’t get it right on the first take.

Connoisseu­rs of the awkward weren’t disappoint­ed last night. Daniel Kaluuya provided the first moment of memeable cringe as he joked about his parents. Frances Mcdormand howled at the moon during the (deserving) Best Picture win for Nomadland, then gibbered a pseudo-haiku about voices and swords as she picked up her third Best Actress Oscar. Meanwhile, Glenn Close may not have won the Oscar but for many she won the Oscars with her suspicious­ly encyclopae­dic knowledge of E.U.’S “Da But” from Spike Lee’s School Daze.

But for all that, this year’s Oscars will forever be remembered for the baffling decision to announce Best Picture before Best Actress and Actor. This bizarre reshufflin­g of the standard third-act climax was twice-foolish, both unfairly muting Nomadland’s triumph and seting up an unanticipa­ted and, for some, unhappy twist. Defying expectatio­ns, it was Anthony Hopkins who ended up winning the Best Actor award, for his magnificen­t work on The Father. While few would deny the worthiness of his performanc­e, his victory has already upset those who expected the Academy to use the award to pay tribute to the late Chadwick Boseman, both for his work on Ma Rainey’s Black Botom and for a career cruelly cut short.

Tomakethin­gsweirder,hopkinswas­n’teventhere, and with Joaquin Phoenix let accepting the award on his behalf, the ceremony somehow managed to be over too quickly, despite its 195-minute running time. Neverthele­ss, Hollywood’s 93rd annual high-five also had much to commend it. Ater a few years of public soul-searching and necessary adjustment­s to make its membership more reflective of American society, lo and behold, the Academy found itself able to nominate and reward great work by a refreshing­ly diverse set of voices. Most prominent was Chloé Zhao, the director of Nomadland, who became the first woman of colour (and the second woman at all) to win Best Director.

Elsewhere, Daniel Kaluuya, with his sensationa­l performanc­e in Judas and the Black Messiah, became the first Black British actor to win an Oscar, Yuh-jung Youn the first Korean actor to win an Oscar (for Minari), and Mia Neal and Jamika Wilson the first Black winners in the hair and make-up category (for Ma Rainey).

Theoscarsh­avealwaysb­eenheavyon­platitudes —typicallyf­romthewell-meaningbut­uncredible­ranks of white Hollywood. This year was different. To hear

Regina King, Travon Free, Tyler Perry, and Angela Basset talk about the Chauvin trial, racial injustice, police brutality, and the Jim Crow South lent the ceremony an urgency and authentici­ty it’s oten previously lacked. It helped that these voices and sentiments also seemed to arise naturally from the movies in contention – films that explore the right to peaceful protest, Black liberation, violence against women, and economic displaceme­nt. For once, what the Academy wanted to tell was largely in line with what it had to show.

And despite some awkwardnes­s of staging, the constraint­s on the production of this year’s show largely worked in its favour. Shrinking the crowd to a few socially distant party tables and bringing in Questlove as DJ served not only to loosen the tux but also to bring the awards down to size. The vibe was more commensura­te with the diminished cultural status of the Oscars, whether or not that diminution is itself a “sad thing”. And ater the breakthrou­gh triumph of Parasite last year, the Academy couldn’t have done more to burnish its newfound internatio­nalist credential­s than to have nominees beaming in from Rome and Paris and Stockholm and London like Eurovision jurors in their Sunday best. Particular­ly charming was the return of Parasite director Bong Joon-ho and his interprete­r, Sharon Choi, joining from Seoul.

 ?? Frances Mcdormand ??
Frances Mcdormand
 ?? Chloe Zhao ??
Chloe Zhao

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