Gulf Today

Delhi’s chief minister sounds optimistic


NEW DELHI: Amid crisis for medical services and oxygen supply in Delhi’s hospitals for over last three weeks, the city will remain under lockdown till next Monday ( May 17) as part of measures to break the chain of corornavir­us infections.

Lockdown was imposed in the national capital on April 20 with some restrictio­ns and the extended lockdown was supposed to end on Monday morning (May 10am), but the state government decided to extend it for further one more week.

Announcing ‘lockdown extension’ through a digital press conference on Sunday, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said, “Delhi had imposed lockdown on April 20 and has been extended again.

“With the support from people of Delhi cases have started to come down in the last few days and the positivity rate is also down to 23 per cent.

“However, we are not in a situation to give any relaxation in restrictio­ns. I will request people of Delhi to continue to follow lockdown rules, otherwise, we will lose what we have gained (medical facilities) in the last few days.”

The Chief Minister said that the fresh round of lockdown will be more stringent than before.

“To combat the spread of Covid we have decided to take some more stringent measures including shuting down metro services from Monday morning,” he added.

The Chief Minister urged the people of Delhi not to let down their guard in the fight against Covid.

“The positivity rate has gone down but still we can’t afford leniency. We need to extend the lockdown,” Kejriwal said.

While the positivity rate, which stood at 35 per cent in mid-april, has dropped to 23 per cent, doctors say even this is very high and there is a need to break the chain of transmissi­on.

This would be the fourth week of the lockdown imposed as the Covid numbers in the national capital skyrockete­d, bringing hospitals to their knees and pushing patients and doctors to look to social media for help amid a huge crisis of oxygen, beds and drugs.

“During the lockdown we utilised the time to enhance our healthcare infrastruc­ture. The main issue in Delhi was oxygen shortage. With Centre’s help, the condition is beter now,” the Chief Minister said.

Amid a biter fight with the Centre over oxygen availabili­ty in the Delhi High Court, the Supreme Court, which had taken up the issue, ordered the formation of a 12-member National Task Force to assess availabili­ty and distributi­on of medical oxygen.

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