Gulf Today

SC affirms life terms on couple who abused maid

- Manolo B. Jara

MANILA: The Supreme Court (SC) affirmed the life sentences imposed on a couple accused of serious illegal detention and subjected to physical abuses their maid, who became a symbol of modern-day slavery, until she became blind in 2012.

In a 15-page notice, the SC issued its decision upholding the life sentences imposed by a regional court in suburban Quezon City, Metro Manila and later upheld by the Court of Appeals on the couple, identified as Anna Liza and husband Reynold Marzan. The case against the Marzans was filed by their maid Bonita Baran who accused the couple of serious illegal detention and beating her up every time that they were not satisfied with her household duties during the three years until 2012 under their employ.

But as fate would have it, Anna Liza died while in detention on June 22, 2020 while their appeal for acquital was being heard by the High Court. As such, the tribunal ordered the dismissal of the charges against her as provided by law.

Neverthele­ss, the SC ruled that Reynold deserved the same life sentence imposed on his wife because he was equally guilty of the charges filed against him.

Earlier, the regional court sentenced him to serve only 17 years in jail for conspiring with his wife as an accomplice in commiting the crimes against them, especially serious illegal detention.

“The multiple injuries inflicted and suffered by (Baran) lend credence to her testimony that she got scared of Anna Liza and had no choice but just to remain still and suffer detention in silence,” the tribunal pointed out.

As such, the tribunal ruled that Reynold should be held equally liable with his wife and deserve the same penalty of life imprisonme­nt. Among others, it said that Reynold had directly participat­ed in locking up Baran inside their house.

“Clearly, Reynold was not an innocent bystander in the case,” the SC stressed.

“In conspiracy, the act of one is the act of all.” The SC also increased from $2,000 to $4,500 the total damages it ordered the couple to pay to Baran who testified before the regional court the ordeal and sufferings she had suffered at the hands of the couple.

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