Gulf Today

Turkey detains 200 migrants en-route to Italy


ISTANBUL: Turkish authoritie­s detained a boat carrying more than 200 Afghan migrants in the Aegean sea heading for europe, turkey’ s coast guard and the Internatio­nal Organisati­on for Migration said on Wednesday.

The migrants were believed to be en route to Italy, the coastguard official said. The majority of the 231 migrants on the boat were from Afghanista­n while a few others were from Syria, Iran, Eritrea and Pakistan, the official added.

The coastguard detained two Turkish nationals steering the boat and escorted migrants to a deportatio­n centre in the western Turkish town of Ayvacik.

In recent weeks Turkey has faced a fresh influx of Afghan migrants, crossing from its eastern border with Iran, amid rising violence in Afghanista­n. Turkish authoritie­s detained some 1,500 migrants last week.

Meanwhile, Lithuania’s border guard service said it detained 171 people caught illegally crossing from Belarus into Lithuania on Tuesday night, the largest number in a single day in 2021 and bringing the total number of migrants detained so far this year to 3,027.

The border service said the group of migrants, all from Iraq, will be placed in one of Lithuania’s already crowded immigratio­n detention centers.

Illegal migration to Lithuania began growing dramatical­ly ater new sanctions were imposed on government officials in neighborin­g Belarus.

In July some 2,366 migrants were detained, up from 473 in June, and compared to 81 for all of last year. Lithuania has accused Belarusian authoritie­s of organising border crossings by people from the Middle East and Africa.

The European Union’s border control agency has pledged to step up support to Lithuania to help stem the arrivals..

Lithuanian authoritie­s believe most of the people atempting to enter the country travelled to Minsk, the capital of Belarus, on one of the four weekly flights from Iraq that carry up to 500 passengers on Boeing 747s.

Lithuania Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergi­s visited Baghdad this month for talks with Iraqi officials. Violent protests broke out in Lithuania’s Salcininka­i district this week as locals blocked roads and burned tyres while opposing government plans to establish new immigratio­n detention centers nearby.

Police used tear gas to disperse crowds and arrested eight protesters. Two officers were injured.

Lithuania says the influx is an act of retaliatio­n by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

Since the authoritar­ian leader’s reelection to a sixth term in an August 2020 vote that the West denounced as rigged, he has cracked down on opposition protests in his country.

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