Gulf Today

Space travel is not the plaything of billionair­es. It is ‘the final frontier’ both physically and economical­ly

- Joshua Jahani,

In 1989, Tim Berners-lee invented the internet, and didn’t protect the technology because he wanted it to benefit us all. Three decades later, most of the power – and a lot of the profits – of the internet are in the hands of a few tech billionair­es, and much of the early promise of the internet is as yet unfulfille­d.

To avoid the same fate for space, we need to subsidise new players to create competitio­n and lower costs, and regulate space travel to ensure safety.

Space maters. Investors can already see its potential, having poured almost $9bn (£6.5bn) into companies in an industry with a potential market value of $3bn (£2.2bn) by 2030.

Space may seem too vast to be dominated by a few tech billionair­es, but in 1989 so did the internet. We need to get this right, because from the mechanics and aerospace engineers to the marketing, informatio­n and logistics workers, the space industry could fuel global job creation and economic growth. It may even hold the solution to the climate crisis.

For that to happen, we need competitio­n. What we have now is a few players operating perhaps for their founders’ benefits, not the world’s. We should not repeat the mistakes we made with the internet and wait for the technology to be abused before we step in. For example, in the Cambridge Analytica scandal a private technology company used weapons-grade social media manipulati­on to pursue their own profit (which is their obligation to their shareholde­rs) but to society’s harm (which it is regulators’ job to protect).

In space, the stakes are even higher. They affect all of humanity, not a few countries. There are environmen­tal dangers (we are probing the carbon cost of “earth” flights but not space flights), and an accident, as well as leading to loss of life in space, could send fatal debris back down to the planet.

These dangers are not unforeseen. Virgin Galactic already had its first fatality in 2014. A Space X launch puts out as much CO2 as flying 341 people across the Atlantic. Earlier this year some unguided space debris from a Chinese rocket landed in the Maldives.

Space tourism can and should be about much more than giving the 1 per cent another Instagramm­able moment, and increasing the wealth of the billionair­es who provide the service.

The space industry should be managed in a way that delivers the most good to the largest number of people. That starts with subsidies.

In short, we should treat space travel like any other form of transit. Making that sustainabl­e economical­ly will almost inevitably require some government interventi­on.

We have been here before. When the combinatio­n of both air travel, highways, and rising labour costs led the two largest railways in America to bankruptcy, the Nixon administra­tion intervened and created Amtrak. This wasn’t ideologica­lly fuelled (quite the opposite). This was a decision to make sure America reaped the economic benefits of interstate travel. Even though Amtrak remains unprofitab­le only 50 years ater its creation, it is a crucial piece of economic infrastruc­ture upon which many other industries – as well as millions of individual­s and families – rely.

We need to do the same with space travel. Very few individual­s will benefit from what will be an uber-luxury segment of the travel market – Virgin Galactic tickets are predicted to cost $250,000 (and that is the entry level space travel product, Virgin’s competitor­s are priced at multiples of that cost).

If we subsidise the industry now, while ensuring there are new competitor­s in the space industry, we can ensure it hits a critical mass where all the broader benefits of space travel become a reality.

This will be much easier than waiting for monopolies to emerge and then trying to fight them (which is what the FTC is trying to do, decades too late, to Big Tech).

Space travel is not just hype, or the plaything of billionair­es. It is “the final frontier”, both physically and economical­ly. If we want it to be a success, we should learn from our triumphs and failures back on earth and apply them to space now. That means subsidies, support, regulation and safety. These things are important on earth, but in space they are absolutely essential.

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