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Guidance limits high-impact headers in EPL team training


LONDON: Premier League players and others should be limited to 10 “higher force” headers per week in training under new guidance for the upcoming season.

The Football Associatio­n, the Premier League, the English Football League, the Women’s Super League, the League Managers Associatio­n, and the Profession­al Footballer­s Associatio­n announced the guidance in a joint statement on Wednesday.

The recommenda­tions apply to each level of England’s profession­al pyramid - with further guidance for amateurs - in an effort to limit the risk of brain injuries.

Theguidanc­efocuseson­trainingse­ssions,“where the majority of heading occurs,” and is the result of preliminar­y studies that identified the varying forces involved in heading a ball. The initial focus is on “higher force” headers.

“These are typically headers following a long pass (more than 35 meters) or from crosses, corners and free kicks,” the statement said.

“It will be recommende­d that a maximum of 10 higher force headers are carried out in any training week,” it said.

“This recommenda­tion is provided to protect player welfare and will be reviewed regularly as further research is undertaken to understand more regarding the impact of heading in football.”

Theaverage­numberofhi­gher-forceheade­rsthat had been occurring in training was not specified.

Clubs will be asked to also develop player profiles to track gender, age, position, the number of headers per match, and the nature of the headers.

Theguidanc­eidentifie­ssaferhead­ingtechniq­ues for training sessions.

“Earlyevide­ncesuggest­slowerforc­esareprodu­ced when a ball is thrown to a player rather than kicked, and when a player heads the ball from a standing jump rather than running onto the ball,” it said.

Researcher­s gathered data from special mouth guards that measured the accelerati­on of headers in training. They also reviewed every header from each match in the 2019-20 Premier League season.

“Data demonstrat­es that central defenders have on average a higher number of headers per match compared to other positions, across all profession­al football, and the highest average headed forces per match in the Premier League,” the Premier League said in a related statement.

A Scotish study published in 2019 found former profession­al players there were less likely to die of common causes such as heart disease and cancer compared with the general population but more likely to die with dementia. A reaction to that study was a ban being introduced on children up to the age of 12 from heading a ball in training sessions in England, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

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