Gulf Today

Conditions of migrants are ‘shocking,’ say British MPS


LONDON: The UK government was accused on Friday of holding asylum seekers and other migrants, including women with babies and children, in “shocking conditions” ater they had crossed the Channel in small boats.

Opposition Labour lawmaker Yvete Cooper, who chairs parliament’s home affairs scrutiny commitee, raised her “serious concerns” about the situation following a visit to the port town of Dover where most are initially detained.

The criticism comes as the government grapples with record numbers of asylum seekers and other migrants crossing the Channel to reach Britain, and pledges a crackdown.

Immigratio­n and control of Britain’s borders was a major issue in Brexit, before the country let the European Union last year.

Last week saw an unpreceden­ted 430 people intercepte­d in a single day in the world’s busiest shipping channel or picked up on the shores of southeast England ater crossing from France.

In a leter to interior minister Priti Patel, Cooper said the commitee was concerned about overcrowdi­ng and the length of stays at temporary accommodat­ion there, as well the “clear risk” of a COVID-19 outbreak.

“I am writing to raise serious concerns about the shocking conditions the commitee observed during its visit to the Kent Intake Unit yesterday,” Cooper stated.

“The holding room facility, in which detained asylum seekers wait for onward placement and screening, is wholly inappropri­ate.”

During their visit, commitee members found dozens of new arrivals held in the “unfit” small room for periods up to 48 hours, when the maximum time any individual should be held there is one day.

“Sharing these cramped conditions were many women with babies and very young children,” Cooper said.

Meanwhile, the lawmakers also visited an atrium facility -- described as “essentiall­y an office space” -- where people stay when they are no longer in detention and awaiting onward travel.

They heard that in recent weeks some asylum seekers, including at least one unaccompan­ied child, have stayed there for as long as 10 days.

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