Gulf Today

Marcos never paid fully for his crimes, says VP

- Manolo B Jara

MANILA: Vice President Leni Robredo on Tuesday appealed to the Filipinos to continue to fight determined atempts by certain quarters to “whitewash” the killings, atrocities and massive corruption that highlighte­d the martial law declaratio­n of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos on the country on Sept.21, 1972.

Robredo issued the appeal as the country observed the 49th anniversar­y of the Marcos declaratio­n of martial law that allowed him to rule as dictator for 20 years until his ouster by the Edsa 1 “People Power” revolution in February 1986.

“If we stay silent - if we don’t tell our stories, money and power will dictate history. We need to reiterate the truth at every opportunit­y. Under the evil regime, Filipinos suffered - they were stolen from, tortured and killed. They were buried in debt, a debt that generation­s of Filipinos will still have to pay,” Robredo said in Filipino.

She also reminded Filipinos that the ills perpetrate­d during the Marcos dictatorsh­ip has never stopped hurting the country.

Robredo reiterated that the Marcos never paid fully for his crimes and that his family continued to benefit from the alleged illegal wealth they had amassed during his strongman rule.

In this light, Robredo asked the people not to allow “revisionis­ts” she did not, however, identify to tamper with history and justify the Marcos dictatorsh­ip.

“The most important task is to guard the truth,” she stressed, “and insist on the telling of the true history of the Filipino people.”

But in an editorial, entitled “The bogus anniversar­y” that appeared on the Sept.21 issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer, the country’s largest circulatio­n daily, it pointed out that in the government’s Official Gazete, the anniversar­y of the declaratio­n of martial law “is on Sept.23 (not Sept.21).”

The editorial said in part: “Anyone wanting to have the authoritat­ive word on the issue need only to read this official record of events surroundin­g the darkest period in the country’s life, which corrects the lies perpetrate­d by Marcos to suit his own version of history.” “By all accounts,” the editorial added, “Marcos chose Sept.21, 1972 as the official date of Proclamati­n No.1081, which place the country under martial law, because of his belief in 7 as his lucky number. Since 21 was divisible by 7, Sept. 21 was deemed the more auspicious date compared to Sept.23.”

On Sept.20, meanwhile, the Federal Party of the Philippine­s announced its endorsemen­t of former senator Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, the only son and namesake of the dictator, as president for the national elections in May 2022 less than a year away.

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