Gulf Today

UN frees emergency funds for Ethiopia aid


GENEVA: The United Nations said on Monday it had released emergency funds to help provide lifesaving humanitari­an assistance and protection to civilians caught up in Ethiopia’s spiralling conflict.

UN aid chief Martin Griffiths said he had released a total of $40 million aimed at scaling up emergency operations in the Tigray region and the rest of Ethiopia’s conflict-hit north, and as an early response to drought in the south of the country.

“Millions of people in northern Ethiopia are living on a knife-edge as the humanitari­an crisis is growing deeper and wider,” said Griffiths, who just returned from a visit to Ethiopia. “Across the country, needs are rising.”

A year of fighting in Ethiopia between Tigrayan rebels and government forces has let hundreds of thousands in famine-like conditions.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed sent troops into Tigray last November to topple the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), a move he said came in response to rebel atacks on army camps.

Though the 2019 Nobel Peace laureate vowed a swit victory, by late June the TPLF had retaken most of Tigray before expanding into the Amhara and Afar regions.

The TPLF, which has not ruled out a possible march on the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, is demanding an end to what the UN describes as a de facto humanitari­an blockade on Tigray, with no aid permited to enter the region in the past month.

Griffiths said $25 million of the fresh cash injection was coming from the UN’S Central Emergency Response Fund, while another $15 million was coming from the country-based Ethiopia Humanitari­an Fund.

In Tigray, Amhara and Afar, the money will support aid agencies providing protection and other life-saving assistance to those affected by the conflict, the statement said.

“Women, boys and girls continue to bear the brunt of the conflict, yet their protection needs remain underfunde­d,” it said.

In the drought-hit southern Somali and Oromia regions meanwhile, the additional cash will help relief agencies to provide drinking water, including to prevent waterborne diseases like cholera, and to support preserving livestock.

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