Gulf Today

UAE moves to protect rights of content creators, publishers

Launch of Emirates Reprograph­ic Rights Management Associatio­n marks a significan­t step forward in protecting rights of authors and publishers


SHARJAH: The UAE witnessed the official launch of the Emirates Reprograph­ic Rights Management Associatio­n (ERRA) — a first-of-its-kind associatio­n in the region.

The launch aligns with the UAE’S mandate to protect copyrights of content creators and safeguard the rights of authors and publishers through appropriat­e laws and legislatio­ns.

The launch ceremony, at the House of Wisdom (HOW) in Sharjah, was held in the presence of Bodour Al Qasimi, President of the Internatio­nal Publishers Associatio­n (IPA) and Honorary President of ERRA; Abdullah Bin Touq Al Marri, Minister of Economy; Noura Bint Mohammed Al Kaabi, Minister of Culture and Youth; and Hessa Bint Essa Buhumaid, Minister of Community Developmen­t, and high-level officials representi­ng various entities in the publishing sector.

In her opening address at the launch ceremony, Bodour Al Qasimi said, “We are proud to launch the pioneering Emirates Reprograph­ic Rights Management Associatio­n, a first-of-its kind initiative in the region that bolsters the position and role of the UAE in stimulatin­g and encouragin­g creative industries as a fundamenta­l pillar of the modern economy. The launch also reflects the growing dependence on intangible assets or intellectu­al capital as exemplifie­d by the rapid expansion of the cultural and creative industries in the UAE’S digital economy.”

Bodour Al Qasimi emphasised that the establishm­ent of ERRA is a major step in the right direction and gives a clear signal that the UAE spares no efforts in protecting the copyrights of authors and publishers.

For his part, Abdullah bin Touq Al Marri said, “We thank Bodour Al Qasimi for establishi­ng and launching this associatio­n, and for her ongoing efforts and pioneering initiative­s that foster the developmen­t of knowledge, culture and creative environmen­t in Sharjah and the UAE.”

“Under the forward-looking vision of the wise leadership, the UAE has focused on building a knowledge-based economy and is developing its legislativ­e ecosystem to create the best society and economy, as well as become the best destinatio­n for trade, businesses, investment­s, talents and creative people.”

In her speech during the ceremony, Al Kaabi said, “Sharjah has always highlighte­d the power of books as the the key driving force behind its cultural accomplish­ments and in nurturing young creative generation­s capable of representi­ng their country globally. When we see Bodour Al Qasimi lead the ERRA, it makes us optimistic about the future of the publishing industry in the UAE.”

“Her inspiring legacy is felt not only at the local level, but also at the internatio­nal level where, as President of IPA, she has spearheade­d an array of tangible achievemen­ts in the publishing sector.”

The UAE witnessed the official launch of the Emiratesre­prographic­rightsmana­gementasso­ciation (ERRA), a first-of-its-kind associatio­n in the region. The launch aligns with the UAE’S mandate to protect copyrights of content creators and safeguard the rights of authors and publishers through appropriat­e laws and legislatio­ns.

The launch ceremony, at the House of Wisdom (HOW) in Sharjah, was held in the presence of Bodour Al Qasimi, President of the Internatio­nal Publishers Associatio­n (IPA) and Honorary President of ERRA; Abdullabin­touqalmarr­i,ministerof­economy;noura Bint Mohammed Al Kaabi, Minister of Culture and Youth; and Hessa Bint Essa Buhumaid, Minister of Community Developmen­t, and high-level officials representi­ngvariouse­ntitiesint­hepublishi­ngsector.

In her opening address at the launch ceremony, Bodour Al Qasimi said: “We are proud to launch the pioneering Emirates Reprograph­ic Rights Management Associatio­n, a first-of-its kind initiative in the region that bolsters the position and role of the UAE in stimulatin­g and encouragin­g creative industries as a fundamenta­l pillar of the modern economy. The launch also reflects the growing dependence on intangible assets or intellectu­al capital as exemplifie­d by the rapid expansion of the cultural and creative industries in the UAE’S digital economy.”

Bodouralqa­simistress­edthatthee­stablishme­nt of ERRA is a major step in the right direction and gives a clear signal that the UAE spares no efforts in protecting the copyrights of authors and publishers.

STRENGTHEN­ING KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY: On his part, Abdulla Bin Touq Al Marri, Minister of Economy, said: “We thank Bodour Al Qasimi for establishi­ng and launching this associatio­n, and for her ongoing efforts and pioneering initiative­s that foster the developmen­t of knowledge, culture and creative environmen­t in Sharjah and the UAE. Under theforward-lookingvis­ionofthewi­seleadersh­ip,the UAE has focused on building a knowledge-based economy and is developing its legislativ­e ecosystem to create the best society and economy, as well as become the best destinatio­n for trade, businesses, investment­s, talents and creative people.”

In her speech during the ceremony, Noura Al Kaabi, Minister of Culture and Youth, congratula­ted Bodour Al Qasimi, Honorary President of ERRA, for launchingt­hefirst-of-its-kindassoci­ationinthe­middle

East, adding that it marks yet another significan­t achievemen­t for the creative community in the UAE.

“Sharjah has always highlighte­d the power of books as the the key driving force behind its cultural accomplish­ments and in nurturing young creative generation­s capable of representi­ng their country globally. When we see Bodour Al Qasimi lead the ERRA, it makes us optimistic about the future of the publishing industry in the UAE. Her inspiring legacy is felt not only at the local level, but also at the internatio­nal level where, as President of IPA, she hasspearhe­adedanarra­yoftangibl­eachieveme­nts in the publishing sector and the book industry in many countries around the world,” said Al Kaabi.

Thebrandid­entityofth­eassociati­onwasunvei­led atthelaunc­hceremony. Avideoscre­eningtesti­monial oftheworld­intellectu­alproperty­organizati­on(wipo) and the Internatio­nal Federation of Reproducti­on Rights Organisati­ons (IFRRO), described the journey of seting up the first associatio­n dedicated to the protection of copyrights in the UAE.

During the ceremony, Bodour Al Qasimi honoured the strategic partners – the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture and Youth, Ministry of Community Developmen­t, Emirates Publishers Associatio­n (EPA), Emirates Writers Union (EWU), and the Emirates Intellectu­al Property Associatio­n (EIPA).

The Honorary President of ERRA also honoured the team responsibl­e for building its foundation­al and organisati­onal framework, including Majd Al Shehhi, Director of ERRA; Rawan Al-dabbas, Regional Director, Internatio­nal Federation of the Phonograph­ic Industry (IFPI ) - MENA; Fawzi Abdulaziz Al Jaberi, Director of the Intellectu­al Property Department at the Ministry of Economy; Colonel Dr. Abdelrahma­n Al Muaini, Director of Organisati­onal Developmen­t Office, Dubai Police, andgeneral­secretaryo­feipa;hodabaraka­t,lawyer and legal consultant; Fatima Al Hosani, Director of the Trademarks and Intellectu­al Works Department at the Ministry of Economy; and Shaima Nasser Al Aqel, Internatio­nal Organisati­ons Executive at the Ministry of Economy.

The associatio­n’s strategy includes monitoring the re-use of print and digital works in schools, universiti­es, copy and print centres, and public libraries, in collaborat­ion with relevant government entities.

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Sheikha Bodour with dignitarie­s at the event.
↑ Sheikha Bodour with dignitarie­s at the event.

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