Gulf Today

DEWA’S female employees win local and internatio­nal awards

‘Emirati women prove their competence every day to consolidat­e DEWA’S achievemen­ts and take on responsibi­lities in national work effectivel­y,’ said Al Tayer


Dubaielect­ricityandw­aterauthor­ity(dewa)follows the approach of the Founding Fathers and the wise leadership vision to empower women and increase theirparti­cipationin­theproduct­iveandoper­ational sectors as well as in the decision-making process. Its female employees have recorded an active and distinguis­hedpresenc­einitsexce­llencejour­ney.they constitute a qualitativ­e addition to DEWA’S efforts, enhancing the renaissanc­e in Dubai and the UAE. The awards and certificat­es of appreciati­on won by its female employees strengthen DEWA’S balance of global and local success, and its position as one of the most prominent national institutio­ns supporting women in the energy sector, especially renewable and clean energy and sustainabi­lity.

Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD and CEO of DEWA, expressed his pride in the achievemen­ts of female employees, noting their diligence, perseveran­ce, dedication, keenness on self-developmen­t and expertise. These successes also confirm that the DEWA is on the right path to translate the vision of the wise leadership in empowering and supporting women, institutio­nalising a culture of excellence, providing equal opportunit­ies for men and women and focusing on empowering women in leadership and technical positions.

These achievemen­ts demonstrat­e the relentless efforts made by the UAE over the past five decades to make women successful. They also herald 50 years full of excellence and leadership...

“Emirati women prove their competence every day to consolidat­e DEWA’S achievemen­ts and take on responsibi­lities in national work effectivel­y,” added Al Tayer.

DEWA’S female employees number 1961 across all its divisions. This includes 737 female employees in the technical and engineerin­g sector, while 364 female employees occupy leadership positions. Emirati women form 81.8% of the total female workforce at DEWA. Female employees participat­e in several volunteeri­ng activities with a total of more than 13,300 hours of volunteer work in 2021, across 40 social and humanitari­an initiative­s.

Khawla Al Mehairi is one of the distinguis­hed female figures at DEWA. She is the first woman to assume the position of Executive Vice President in DEWA’S history thanks to her competence and extensive experience in various fields. She is a graduate of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre for Leadership

Developmen­t’s Impactful Leaders Programme.

“The awards won by our female employees are proof of their competence, responsibi­lity and high qualificat­ions. It is also evidence of the journey of women empowermen­t as an institutio­nal culture and work approach. This is by enabling women to be active partners in growth and developmen­t. This will ensure Emirati women continue to be pioneering and active players in sustainabl­e developmen­t,” said Khawla Al Mehairi, Executive Vice President of Strategy and Government Communicat­ions at DEWA. Khawla helped DEWA win several awards and was honoured several times by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

“The directives of the wise leadership guide DEWA’S vision for female staff to make the UAE a model for women’s leadership in all local, regional, andinterna­tionalforu­msamidstth­eadvanceds­tages achieved by the country in several internatio­nal indicators.dewa’sfemaleemp­loyeeshave­succeeded in leaving a legacy and proved that women are influentia­l partners and critical for developmen­t,” said Amal Koshak, Vice President of Marketing and Corporate Communicat­ions at DEWA.

“I was the first Emirati woman to obtain a doctorate in nanotechno­logies to develop solar cells and the first Emirati to manufactur­e crystallin­e silicon cells in clean rooms. My work at DEWA enables me to continue the path of leadership and develop my expertise in solar energy and nanotechno­logies,” said Dr. Aaesha Alnuaimi, Director of the Solar Innovation Centre at DEWA, and winner of the Dubai Medal for Specialise­d Employee, at the Dubai Government Excellence Awards (DGEP) awards 2021, the Internatio­nal Solar Alliance Award and the Women’s Award in the Renewable Energy Sector in Asia 2020.

“I support the Innovation Centre and take a leading role in generating innovative cleantech concepts and develop projects in line with the vision of the Innovation Centre to become a clean technology innovation hub. I worked previously on ensuring that the designs of the DEWA’S buildings comply with the specificat­ions of green buildings,” said Aysha Mohammad Alremeithi, Deputy Manager - Innovation Ecosystem at DEWA, President of DEWA’S Youth Council, and recipient of the Dubai Medal for Young Employee at the DGEP Awards 2021, 4 local and regional awards and more than 190 certificat­es of appreciati­on.

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DEWA is on the right path to translate the vision of the wise leadership in empowering and supporting women.
↑ DEWA is on the right path to translate the vision of the wise leadership in empowering and supporting women.

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