Gulf Today

Civic body’s management ‘encourages’ excellence


DUBAI: Dubai Electricit­y and Water Authority (DEWA)’S female employees have recorded an active and distinguis­hed presence in its excellence journey. “At DEWA, I have an ideal opportunit­y to highlight the role of young people and implement initiative­s that concern them and aim to hone their talents, as the senior management commission­ed me to establish and chair the first youth council. Later, I was appointed as head of DEWA Women’s Commitee and worked on effectivel­y implementi­ng and developing a strategy to support and empower women at DEWA,” said Fatima Al Jokar, Legal Adviser in Legal Affairs and Chairperso­n of DEWA Women’s Commitee. Fatima was chosen by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum as a member of the Emirates Youth Council in its first session, and she was also honoured as the best legal advocate in the Middle East by the University of Oxford.

“I have received unlimited support during my career at DEWA, which started in 2005 as a graduate trainee. At that time, I was one of the first women to join the field of electrical network planning. DEWA provided me with all resources, training, profession­al and leadership developmen­t,” said Salha Ali Saleh Aldisi, Senior Manager - Developmen­t & Tech Support, Power & Water at DEWA.

“DEWA’S top management provides a positive environmen­t that encourages excellence, creating ideal opportunit­ies for developing expertise and continuous support to meet new challenges that contribute to expanding our growth horizons and exploring and developing capabiliti­es,” said Dr. Dina Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed, Senior Engineer - Protection Setings, Transmissi­on Power at DEWA, who won the Best Technical Expert in Energy Award at ENOC’S ‘Women in Energy Awards’ in 2019, and the Distinguis­hed Employee in Specialise­d Field Award at DEWA’S Internal Awards in 2018.

“Dewaconsid­ersitsempl­oyeesasgen­uineassets. It provides an environmen­t that tries to inculcate one with the most relevant technologi­es of the day and upgrade knowledge to not only enhance their career growth paths but to also remain at the forefront and be capable and ready for any eventualit­ies,” said Pallavi Vikas Jain, Sotware Developer, Transmissi­on Power at DEWA and winner of Share K for knowledge management award, and Best Self Learner Award at DEWA in 2021.

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