Gulf Today

Tripoli tense amid standoff between rival govts


TRIPOLI: A long ceasefire has brought life back to Tripoli’s Algeria Square, its roundabout replanted with grass and customers lingering into the night at the Aurora Cafe, but Libya’s new crisis of two government­s threatens to upend that peace.

Home to the city hall, post office and a mosque converted from the colonial-era Italian cathedral, Algeria Square plays a big role in the capital’s civic life. But it is also near likely front lines in a batle many Libyans fear may soon erupt.

The standoff worsened this week as the parliament in the east swore in a new administra­tion while the incumbent in Tripoli refused to cede power.

The increased number of security vehicles racing through the capital’s streets are a sign of a crisis that could trigger fighting if no deal can be reached.

“My country is being destroyed daily, and we do not see elections, democracy, or a correct political process capable of ending this catastroph­e that has become a nightmare,” said Jamal Obaid, a state employee in a street by Algeria Square.

A scheduled election in December was stopped amid factional disputes over the rules.

On Thursday the parliament in Tobruk, in eastern Libya, appointed a new government despite the present administra­tion in Tripoli refusing to cede power.

The incumbent prime minister Abdulhamid Al Dbeibah, installed a year ago in a Un-backed process, has denounced the parliament’s appointmen­t of Fathi Bashagha to replace him and says he will only quit ater a reschedule­d election.

However, both men appear to believe they can count on support among the myriad armed factions whose gunmen wield true control over the streets of Tripoli.

An expected move by Bashagha to enter the capital may trigger fighting.

Tripoli residents fear a resumption of the warfare that ended in summer 2020 ater a failed 14-month assault by eastern forces that rained shells onto the city streets.

Life in the capital continues as usual with students going to classes, shops open and people siting at their tables outside the cafes in Algeria

Square and elsewhere. The bursts of gunfire that occasional­ly punctuate the daily growl of traffic are still only those of wedding celebratio­ns or armed men showing off to friends.

However, the armed factions are more noticeable than before, patrolling in larger convoys, seting down more checkpoint­s and surroundin­g government buildings.

 ?? Associated Press ?? ↑
A man cries in the Open Arms rescue boat after 28 refugees were rescued from the Libyan coast on Saturday.
Associated Press ↑ A man cries in the Open Arms rescue boat after 28 refugees were rescued from the Libyan coast on Saturday.

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