Gulf Today

Imran lambasts opposition over no-confidence motion

Prime minister terms the opposition leaders a coterie of thieves, warns them to be ready for ‘dire consequenc­es’ in case their no-trust motion against him fails

- Tariq Butt / NNI

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday warned the opposition of “dire consequenc­es” in case their no-trust motion against him fails.

Imran said a clique of dacoits who had plundered the country, has now gathered to save their skins by touting to bring in a noconfiden­ce motion against his government.

Addressing a huge public gathering, the prime minister said that he had entered into politics some 25 years back to confront these corrupt elements and would continue to face them.

He said that he was fully prepared to tackle the moves made by a “bunch of thieves.” The prime minister dared them to introduce the no-confidence motion in the parliament, declaring that ater its failure, they would have to face the consequenc­es.

The prime minister said the people behind the move for no-confidence were Nawaz Sharif, Asif Zardari and Maulana Fazlur Rehman.

Sharif had been convicted by the Supreme Court and now he has been an absconder siting abroad. With his “Bollywood acting” and requests regarding his health issues, he went abroad, he said, adding that “whether a timid can be a leader who had fled the country twice!”

He said the thrice elected prime minister of the country had been living in luxurious and palatial houses in UK and when he was asked to explain the sources of his ill-goten pelf and properties, he disowned them, telling that these belonged to his children who were not the citizens of Pakistan.

The prime minister said that the two families of Sharif and Zardari had plundered the country during the last 30 years.

Referring to the alleged corruption of Leader of Opposition in the National Assembly Shahbaz Sharif, the prime minister said an amount of Rs3.75 billion was detected in the account of his servant and peon.

Shahbaz would have to give answers to the criminal charges, if he had earned the money in fair means, it would have been deposited in his accounts rather than landing in his servant’s accounts, he opined.

The prime minister said during Benazir

Bhuto’s first tenue, her spouse Zardari earned the notoriety of Mr 10 per cent across the world.

The newspapers and books contained stories of their untamed corruption, even BBC had released a documentar­y over their corruption, he said, adding both families framed corruption cases against each other.

Similarly, in the national assembly, Zardari also denied owning Surrey Palace and $60 million Swiss accounts, but when he got NROS, these assets were embezzled.

The two families had burdened Pakistan with whopping Rs30,000 billion debts during ten years of their rule, he added. Now, this group of vested interests had gathered, claiming that situation in Pakistan was not good.

About Fazlur Rehman, the prime minister said that he would not call him as “maulana” an epitaph used for the learned and respected persons, as the leader of JUI-F had bargained over diesel permits.

The prime minister said Rehman had brought seminaries pupils to Islamabad by misleading them against him.

The government and the opposition are making claims and countercla­ims about their success if a no-confidence motion is tabled against Imran.

Both sides are confident of enjoying the support of more MPS than the other in case a no-confidence motion is tabled. Federal Minister for Informatio­n and Broadcasti­ng Fawad Chaudhry said the no-trust move is the opposition’s missing child and they would not succeed in any move against the government as they neither had the required numbers nor public support.

There is no possibilit­y of tabling the no-trust resolution by the opposition parties as they were only giving schedules. He said the faces of the opposition leaders, particular­ly of Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) chief Rehman, showed their depression as they did not have anything in their pockets. The opposition parties are trying to create a political environmen­t by staging marches and proposing a no-confidence move for face-saving only, he added.

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Imran Khan addresses a rally in Mailsi on Sunday.
Twitter photo ↑ Imran Khan addresses a rally in Mailsi on Sunday.

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