Gulf Today

Food, water security UAE’S key priorities in post-pandemic era

The country has empowered researcher­s, entreprene­urs, and startups while also creating a conducive ecosystem for environmen­tally responsibl­e Agritech

- Inayat-ur-rahman,

The recently concluded Food for Future Summit, which was hosted by the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environmen­t, with the United Nation’s Food and Agricultur­e Organisati­on (FAO) as a strategic partner, can be regarded as a great step towards promoting multistake­holder participat­ion for global food security. The summit lived up to its promise and brought key decision-makers, technologi­es, and ideas under one roof.

Agricultur­e has enabled civilizati­ons and continues to drive economic prosperity throughout the world. In the UAE, however, the dearth of arable land and freshwater resources, along with scorching weather conditions all year round, has hindered agricultur­al productivi­ty. Despite all this, the country has taken concrete efforts to develop sustainabl­e farming systems and is working vigorously to achieve local agricultur­e-driven food security.

Meanwhile, food and water security have further become the UAE’S key priorities in the post-pandemic era, with the country launching multiple initiative­s to address systemic issues and achieve optimal agricultur­al yield. For a nation that imports 80-90% of its food(1), the fragility of the supply chain and the entire system came to stark focus at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic when the imports were unexpected­ly disrupted.

As a result, in recent months, the country has empowered researcher­s, entreprene­urs, and startups while also creating a conducive ecosystem for environmen­tally responsibl­e Agritech. The futuristic Food Tech Valley, launched last year in Dubai, aims to triple UAE’S food production and is one of the several key initiative­s that testify to the nation’s commitment and resolve. These efforts are being supported by local sustainabi­lity advocates who are innovating and developing cutingedge technologi­es, with water conservati­on, emission reduction, and ecological improvemen­t as the focus.

Among them is Dake Rechsand, whose “magic” Breathable Sand — a low-cost, water-retentive, and air-permeable medium made from typical desert sand — has shown considerab­le promise in enabling high yield in desert conditions. In agricultur­al applicatio­n, the water-retentive medium reduces irrigation requiremen­ts by 80% compared to convention­al techniques while enabling high yield due to its air permeabili­ty. As a result, Breathable Sand has found applicatio­n in desert farming, a propositio­n that is key to UAE’S food security aspiration­s.

“Be it climate actions, or food security, or sustainabi­lity, the current situation is such that there is a pressing need to walk the talk; not just talk the talk. The world is nearing a tipping point on climate change, and food and water are becoming scarcer by the day. This scenario is more pronounced in the Middle East, which has — what I like to call — pre-existing conditions that make countermea­sures a tall order. Dake Rechsand is striving to address such conditions and simplify food security and sustainabi­lity pursuits,” said Chandra Dake, Founder of Dake Rechsand.

Soil quality that is suitable for growing convention­al crops is limited to a total of 13-15% in the UAE. But innovation in the area can improve the quality and health of the soil and make it more suitable for agricultur­e. Rationaliz­ing why low-input desert farming can work wonders for food security, Chandra Dake said, “The UAE is 80% desert, with expansive barren lands, where productivi­ty is low and convention­al agricultur­e is not feasible. With Breathable Sand’s ability to retain water, preserve fertilizer­s, and produce a high yield in desert conditions, we can make barren lands arable. This also has implicatio­ns for ecological improvemen­t and emission reduction, as nations across the region have a high dependence on carbon-intensive desalinati­on plants. The best part is that Dake Rechsand is already doing it. So, now it’s just a mater of scale.”

Additional­ly, in what can be considered as an archetype of multistake­holder participat­ion, the Emirates Nature-wwf, the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environmen­t, the FAO, and the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention launched a joint campaign called the “Food for Life”. The campaign seeks to raise awareness about how sustainabi­lity is tied to a healthy diet, through outreach programmes and events. Another notable developmen­t was the launch of “Foodwise Challenge”, a campaign by Goumbook, a leading social enterprise in the region.

The campaign aims to instil sustainabi­lity and healthy food choices at schools and universiti­es. These efforts also reflect the UAE’S capability as a launchpad for impacful technologi­es and campaigns. Also, as far as multistake­holder participat­ion is concerned, the UAE has an intrinsic edge over other nations due to its strategic location between East and West, its multicultu­ral demographi­cs, and a technologi­cal bedrock.

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A view of exhibitors at the Food for Future Summit in Dubai.
↑ A view of exhibitors at the Food for Future Summit in Dubai.

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