Gulf Today

Neutral Switzerlan­d’s economy shaken by sanctions on Russia

Country has announced it would follow the sanctions being imposed by the EU, abandoning Bern’s traditiona­l reserve by ordering the immediate freezing of assets of Russian firms


Switzerlan­d’s newly adopted tough stance on Russia has forced the Swiss economy to readjust to sanctions, blowing a wind of panic through the raw materials market in particular.

Switzerlan­d announced Monday it would follow the sanctions being imposed by the European Union, abandoning Bern’s traditiona­l reserve by ordering the immediate freezing of assets belonging to Russian companies and individual­s appearing on the EU blacklist.

And it went further on Friday, adopting even stricter EU sanctions applied in response to Moscow’s February 24 full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Exporting goods that could enhance Russia’s military capabiliti­es is prohibited, as is the exportatio­n of certain goods and services in the oil sector, and aviation technology.

“The implementa­tion of these sanctions is compatible with Switzerlan­d’s neutrality,” the government insisted in a statement.

The wealthy Alpine nation’s businesses are complying with the sanctions but have also stressed that Russian money accounts for only a fraction of their turnover, in an atempt to reassure investors.

The airline Swiss, a subsidiary of Germany’s Luthansa, has suspended its flights to Moscow and Saint Petersburg.

Luxury group Richemont, which owns jewellery company Cartier, told business press agency AWP on Thursday that it had halted its commercial activities in Russia.

Global container shipping company MSC and freight logistics firm Kuehne + Nagel have stopped taking Russian orders for cargo, except for food, medical and humanitari­an goods.

Business lobby Economiesu­isse said the sanctions would have “limited” direct consequenc­es on foreign trade.

Russia is only Switzerlan­d’s 23rd-biggest trading partner. The Swiss mainly export medicines, medical products, watches and machinery to Russia, while the chief imports are gold, precious metals and aluminium.

In 2021, exports to Russia amounted to 3.2 billion Swiss francs ($3.5 billion, 3.2 billion euros), with imports as low as 270 million francs, according to the customs authoritie­s.

However, the landlocked state is an important player in raw materials trading, through companies such as Glencore, Trafigura, Vitol and Gunvor.

Gennady Gatilov, Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, said Friday he was surprised by the sanctions, because Switzerlan­d had always “tried to maintain a certain neutrality”.

“We are disappoint­ed with this, because we have very good relations with Switzerlan­d... and the joining of Switzerlan­d to these unlawful sanctions... will have (a) certain negative impact,” he told reporters.

According to figures circulatin­g in the Swiss press, 80 percent of Russian oil is traded in Switzerlan­d, though Florence Schurch, secretary general of the Swiss Trading and Shipping Associatio­n, could not confirm the figure.

The exact amount is “being assessed”, she told AFP, nonetheles­s confirming that the sector weighs heavily in the economy.

In employment terms, energy, grains, metals and minerals trading represents some 10,000 direct and 35,000 indirect jobs.

“Since Monday, everyone has been in a bit of a crisis cell mode,” Schurch explained. Some companies are already trying to “locate their cargoes” on the move, or “repatriate sailors stranded in the Black Sea”.

“A lot of companies have censored themselves,” she said, not least because payments are becoming “complicate­d” now that Russian banks are cut off from the SWIFT system and Swiss banks are reviewing their trade financing.

The Swiss-based Nord Stream 2 company has gone under ater Germany halted the gas pipeline following Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

The bankruptcy has caused panic in the sector. Trading giant Glencore has announced it is reviewing its business in Russia while Trafigura is revisiting its stake in Vostok Oil -- Rosnet’s major oil project in Siberia.

Banks, watches and tourism. Swiss banks are a popular place for wealthy Russians to stash their money. According to the Bank for Internatio­nal Setlements, Swiss banks’ liabilitie­s to Russian customers amounted to $23 billion in the third quarter of 2021.

The Swiss Bankers Associatio­n reacted to the sanctions by saying that Russia was “not a priority” market, and excluded the Swiss subsidiari­es of Gazpromban­k and Sberbank from its ranks.

On the stock market, Richemont and the Swiss watch giant Swatch were also shaken by investor fears for the luxury sector.

Russia represents only about “one percent of our exports”, said Jean-daniel Pasche, head of the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry.

But the fall of the ruble could affect watch sales and the conflict also threatens to delay the return of Russian customers who “have not come to Switzerlan­d since the start of the pandemic”, he added.

In 2019, before the Covid-19 crisis, Russian tourists accounted for only 1.7 percent of hotel nights in Switzerlan­d.

“However, it is a wealthy clientele” favouring five-star hotels, said Switzerlan­d Tourism spokeswoma­n Veronique Kanel.

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People take part in a protest rally against the Russian invasion of Ukraine in Zurich, Switzerlan­d. Associated Press
↑ People take part in a protest rally against the Russian invasion of Ukraine in Zurich, Switzerlan­d. Associated Press

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