Gulf Today

South Korea’s Yoon calls on North to give up nukes


SEOUL: South Korea’s President Yoon Sukyeol called on the North to give up its nuclear weapons in exchange for massive economic aid at his swearing-in on Tuesday, describing Pyongyang’s missiles as a threat to regional and global security.

Yoon, 61, who started work in an undergroun­d bunker with a security briefing on North Korea, took office at a time of high tensions on the peninsula, with Pyongyang conducting a record 15 weapons tests since January, including two launches last week.

The former prosecutor, who won a close election by a razor-thin margin in March, said in his inaugural speech that he would consider sending transforma­tive levels of economic aid to the North - but only if Pyongyang first gives up its nuclear weapons.

“If North Korea genuinely embarks on a process to complete denucleari­sation, we are prepared to work with the internatio­nal community to present an audacious plan that will vastly strengthen North Korea’s economy and improve the quality of life for its people,” he said.

Yoon’s predecesso­r Moon Jae-in pursued a policy of engagement with Pyongyang, brokering summits between Kim and then-us president Donald Trump.

But talks collapsed in 2019 and diplomacy has stalled since.

“While North Korea’s nuclear weapon programs are a threat not only to our security and that of Northeast Asia, the door to dialogue will remain open so that we can peacefully resolve this threat,” Yoon added.

But the offer of “audacious” aid is a dud, analysts say: North Korea, which invests a vast chunk of its GDP into its Un-sanctioned weapons programs, has long made it clear it will not trade nukes for aid.

“Since 2009, North Korea has stated it will not give up its nukes for economic incentives,” Park Won-gon, a professor at Ewha University said.

“Yoon’s comment will only trigger Pyongyang, who will see it as an atack,” Park added.

Kim does not want massive economic growth because achieving this would require opening up North Korea’s informatio­n ecosystem, said Chad O’carroll of Seoul-based specialist site NK News.

“Ideologica­l pollution would rapidly steep in, a key risk for Pyongyang’s ruler... Yoon’s denucleari­sation plans won’t go anywhere... because the ‘carrot’ is actually poisonous,” he wrote on Twiter.

During his inaugurati­on speech, Yoon said that South Korea was facing “multiple crises,” citing the pandemic, global supply chain issues and economic woes, and new armed conflicts and wars.

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